Conference Information
2MAE 2018: International Conference on Mechanical, Material and Aerospace Engineering
Submission Date:
2018-03-15 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Wuhan, China
Viewed: 8966   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
2MAE 2018 is now accepting manuscript submissions. Prospective authors are invited to submit their draft paper to Electronic contribution system. The submitted paper should be in PDF format.

The topics of inetest are included below, but not limited to :

Aerospace Mechatronics and Avionics Systems
Advanced theoretical models 	
Advances in aerospace technology 	
Aeroelasticity and loads 	
Aerodynamic’s fundamental concepts
Aerospace robotics and mechatronics 	
Flight software engineering and testing 	
Aerostructures and composites 	
Aircraft systems
Aeronautics and astronautics 	
Aircraft design concepts 	
Applied aerodynamics and fluid mechanics 	
Aviation human factors
Computational fluid dynamics 	
Emerging avionics technology 	
Heat transfer mechanics 	
Novel aero engines
Rocket theory and design 	
Spacecraft avionics systems, subsystems and technologies 	
Unmanned aircraft technologies 	
Aerodynamic forces and structural flexibility

Aerospace Communications
Aircraft Navigation 	Antennas 	
Astronomical Image Processing 	
Atmospheric Measurement
Attitude maneuver control 	
Autonomous flight control 	
Ballistic tracking 	
Bistatic SAR processing
Communications techniques 	
Control design 	
Convex parameterization 	
Detection in non-gaussian distribution environment
Doppler signature classifications 	
Earth terminal systems 	
Estimation & detection theory 	
Finite elements
Geophysical Image Processing 	
Geoscience & remote sensing 	
GPS multipath 	
Ground Support System
Image analysis 	
Image Recognition 	
Interactivity via satellite 	
Interference cancellation
Interference Suppression 	
Intersatellite links 	
Intrapulse radar 	
Ionospheric Techniques
Meteorological Radar 	
MIMO radar moving target detection 	
MTI radar 	
Multi-spacecraft imaging systems
Nano & Micro satellites designs 	
Nanosatellites networking 	
Navigation services 	
NLOS communications
Nonlinear approach to tracking problem 	
Novel satellite-enabled services 	
Object Detection 	
Optimal control problems
Radar Detection & imaging 	
Radar Signal Processing 	
SAR imaging
Satellite architecture 	
Satellite Ground Stations 	
Satellite Navigation 	Satellite payload

Mechanical Engineering in Aerospace
Applied Plasma and Fusion 	
Finite Element Analysis 	
Biotechnology and Nanotechnology 	
Combustion and Pollution
Computational Mechanics 	
Control Systems Theory and Applications 	
Dynamic Systems and Control Engineering 	
Dynamics of Machining Processes and Chatter Vibrations
Experimental Stress Analysis 	
Aerodynamics and Aeroacoustics 	
Fluid Mechanics, Combustion, and Engineering Physics 	
Heat and Mass Transfer
Instrumentation and Control Engineering 	
Laser Material Interactions 	
Machine Design and Analysis 	
Materials and Failure Analysis
Materials Synthesis and Processing 	
Mechanics of Biological Materials 	
Modeling Damping in Compliant Impacts and Vibro-Impact
Multiphase and Granular Flows 	
Nano- and Microscale Engineering 	
Nonlinear Dynamics, Stability, and Bifurcation Theory 	
Non-smooth, Time-Varying, Time-Delayed, and Stochastic Systems
Nuclear Reactors 	
Orbital Mechanics and Mission Design 	
Order Reduction and Control of Vibrating Systems 	
Rapid Prototyping
Robotics 	Rocket Engines 	
Satellite Systems 	
Sensors and Actuators
Solid Mechanics and Materials 	
Topological Synthesis of Mechanisms 	

Aerospace Engineering and Management
Airport Management and Operations 	
Aircraft Maintenance Management 	
Aircraft Structural Analysis and Design 	
Aircraft Vibration and Aeroelasticity
Aviation Logistics and Supply Chain Management 	
High-speed Aerodynamics 	
Industrial Aerodynamics
Managing Creativity and Innovation 	
Project Management 	
Safety Management 	
Transport Management
Aircraft Propulsion and Gas Turbine Engines 	  	  	 

Electronic Systems
Advanced integrated/standalone electric power systems 	
Advanced energy storage and mobile power (batteries, supercaps and fuel-cells) 	
Aerospace structures and manufacturing, emerging 	
Knowledge management, prognostics health
monitoring/trending and maintenance 	
Processing and Testing for Advanced Materials 	
Materials Identification and Characterization 	
Functionaland Structural Analysis
Polymer Failure Analysis  	
Materials Performance 	
Chemical Testing and Analysis 	
Physical Properties Testing
Electronic Materials and Gases Analysis 	
Materials Treatment 	  	 

Materials Chemistry and Physics
Biomaterials and Healthcare 	
Semiconductors and Superconductors 	
Liquid Crystals and Crystalline Materials 	
Nano Materials
Metallic Materials 	
Inorganic Nonmetallic Materials 	
Macromolecular Material  	
Compound Material

Renewable Material and Energy
Fossil and Non-Fossil Energy 	Nuclear Energy 	
Biomaterial and Genetic Material 	
Solar Cell Materials
Electric Power Systems and Controls 	  	  	 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-02-09
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