Journal Information
Cogent Engineering
Cogent OA
Call For Papers
One of the largest, multidisciplinary open access engineering journals of peer-reviewed research, Cogent Engineering, part of the Taylor & Francis Group, covers all areas of engineering and technology, from chemical engineering to computer science, and mechanical to materials engineering. Cogent Engineering encourages interdisciplinary research and also accepts negative results, software article, replication studies and reviews.

The journal’s Editor-in-Chief, Professor Duc Pham (University of Birmingham, UK) leads a diverse and talented editorial team from institutions around the World. Our editors, each a specialist in their subject area, assess manuscripts objectively and fairly and provide quality, constructive and timely peer review. Article-level metrics allow the research to be assessed on its own merit.

With all articles free to read and download, research can be accessed by a large global audience; as the journal is included in a number of international indexes, including Scopus, Web of Science and IET Inspec, it is more discoverable than ever. Cogent Engineering is a fully peer-reviewed, open access scholarly journal with a mission to help researchers publish their work for a global audience and discover new and exciting connections.

Cogent Engineering considers original primary research articles, review articles, rapid communications and software articles in any of the following areas of engineering research:

    Biomedical Engineering
    Chemical Engineering
    Civil Engineering
    Computer Science
    Electrical & Electronic Engineering
    Environmental Engineering
    Materials Engineering
    Mechanical Engineering
    Production & Manufacturing
    Rehabilitation & Assistive Technologies
    Systems & Control Engineering

Cogent Engineering takes an objective and constructive approach to peer review, with editorial teams evaluating work based on its methodological soundness and relevance rather than a predicted level of future importance.  A host of post-publication metrics will indicate the ongoing impact of each individual article.  
What can authors expect from Cogent Engineering ?
    A simple and friendly publishing service
    Immediate, free access to your article for anyone anywhere in the world
    Rigorous peer review featuring constructive dialogue with experts
    Fast publication on a state-of-the-art platform
    Innovative article-level performance metrics
    Global marketing
    High production values
    Extensive indexing and archiving of your work
    Retention of the full copyright in their work
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-03-19
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