Conference Information
SSS' 2018: International Conference on Sensors, Systems, Signals and Advanced Technologies
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Hammamet, Tunisia
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Call For Papers


Intelligent sensors/actuators, micro-sensors and micro-actuators, Mobile, Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (Architecture & Security), Satellite-based sensors network, Optical-chemical and biomedical sensors, Mechanical and thermal sensors, Micro-sensors and MEMS-technology, Nano sensors, nano systems and nano technology, Spectroscopy methods, Multi sensor data fusion, Data acquisition and distributed measurements, Energy harvesting and circuits, Medical and environmental applications, Circuit test-device characterization and modeling, Sensor interfaces and measuring systems, Custom and semi-custom circuits, Analog circuit design, Low-voltage, low-power VLSI design, Nano and molecular electronics, Circuits for wireless interfaces, Packaging and reliability, Materials-devices and interconnects, Metrology and measurement uncertainty, …


micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), Multi-Antenna and MIMO Wireless Systems, Microwave Communications Systems, Real-Time & Multi-Core Embedded Systems, Design Techniques for Cyber-Physical Systems, Operating Systems Scheduling Algorithms, Fuzzy Control Systems, Information Systems Security, Systems-on-Chip (SoC) & Networks-on-Chip (NoC), Multimedia Networking,


Digital signal processing theory, Image and multidimensional processing, Pattern recognition methods, DSP implementation, Computer vision, Real-time multimedia signal processing, Coding Compression and Inf. Theory, Digital signal processing, Image and video compression algorithms, Speech recognition, Biometry and medical imaging, Data fusion and pattern recognition, Information retrieval, Computational Intelligence, Distributed and Real Time Systems, Cloud computingVideo Analysis & Understanding, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Multiview Geometry and 3D Computer Vision, Image Analysis, Detection and Recognition, Multimedia, Biomedical and Assistive Technology, Information Forensics and Security, Imaging for Cultural Heritage and Archaeology.

Advanced Technologies

Next Generation Optical Networks, Virtual Reality, Augment Reality, Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Smart Cities, Machine to Machine, Smart Transport, High Performance Computing, Mobile Applications, Knowledge Management, Social Computing, Software Engineering and Quality, Smart Health.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-02-05
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