Conference Information
ECMS 2018: EUROPEAN Conference on Modelling and Simulation
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Wilhelmshaven, Germany
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Call For Papers
The human capacity to abstract complex systems and phenomena into simplified models has played a critical role in the rapid evolution of our modern industrial processes and scientific research. As a science and an art, Modelling and Simulation have been one of the core enablers of this remarkable human trace, and have become a topic of great importance for researchers and practitioners. The increasing availability of massive computational resources, and interconnectivity has helped fuel tremendous advances in the field, collapsing previous barriers and redefining new horizons for its capabilities and applications.

The European Conference on Modelling and Simulation (ECMS) is the international conference dedicated to help define the state of the art in the field. For several years, ECMS has proven to be an outstanding forum for researchers and practitioners from different fields involved in creating, defining and building innovative simulation systems, simulation and modelling tools and techniques, and novel applications for modelling and simulation.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-12-16
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