Conference Information
MEHI 2018: International Conference on Medical Engineering and Health Informatics
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Kunming, China
Viewed: 7833   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
International Conference on Medical Engineering and Health Informatics (MEHI-2018) shall provide a platform for sharing innovating, designing, and developing new technologies; in academia furthering research and pushing the frontiers of what is medically possible as well as testing, implementing, and developing new diagnostic tools and medical equipment; and in government for establishing safety standards for medical devices. The conference shall include the following areas, but not limited to:

    Artificial organs
    Automated patient monitoring
    Advanced therapeutic and surgical devices
    Application of expert systems and AI to clinical decision making
    Biomaterials design
    Biomechanics of injury and wound healing
    Blood chemistry sensors
    Computer modelling of physiologic systems
    Design of optimal clinical laboratories
    Medical imaging systems
    Hospital information/medical record systems, data protection/privacy
    Disease modelling/analysis, evidence-based clinical modelling/studies
    Computer-based patient/disease management systems
    Clinical trials/studies, outcome-based studies/analysis
    Electronic patient monitoring systems
    Nanotechnology in medicine, medical applications
    Tissue engineering, artificial organs, biomaterials design
    Healthcare standards, service standardisation
    Controlled medical terminology/vocabularies
    Nursing informatics, systems integration
    Healthcare/hospital management, economics
    Medical technology, intelligent instrumentation, telemedicine
    Medical/molecular imaging, disease management
    Bioinformatics, human genome studies/analysis
    Drug design
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-10-28
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