Conference Information
ICCSIP 2016: International Conference on Communication Software and Information Processing
Submission Date:
2016-08-31 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Hong Kong, China
Viewed: 9922   Tracked: 2   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
TI: Computer Science
Numerical algorithms and analysis
Computational simulation and analysis
Data visualization and virtual reality
Scientific and engineering computing
Parallel and distributed computing
Grid computing and cluster computing
Embedded and network computing
Algorithms and data structures
Programming language theory
Concurrent, parallel and distributed systems
Computational science
Health informatics

T2: Computing Intelligence
Genetic algorithms
Dna computing
Granular computing
Particle swarm optimization
Simulated annealing
Evolutionary computation
Ant colony optimization
Fuzzy set theory
Adaptive systems
Artificial intelligence
Expert system
Intelligent robots
Intelligent control
Natural language processing
Machine learning
Knowledge acquisition and knowledge processing system
Knowledge representation and retrieva

T3: Information Technology
Artificial intelligence and expert systems
Adaptive learning automata
Bioinformatics and biological computing and engineering
Database and data warehouses
Geographical information systems (GIS)
Global positioning systems (GPS)
Human-computer interaction (HCI)
Network systems, proxies and servers
Neural networks
Protocols and standards
Signal and image processing
System engineering
Web-Based Simulation Applications

T4: Telecommunications Systems
Adaptive communications
Channel estimation
Cooperative communications
Channel coding
Interference management
Modulation techniques
MIMO systems
Novel applications enabled by telecommunication networking systems
OFDM communications
Power line communication
Satellite communication
Spread-spectrum communications
UWB communications
Wireless broadcasting
Wireless communication
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2016-07-31
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