Conference Information
HASE 2019: International Symposium on High Assurance Systems Engineering
Submission Date:
2018-09-23 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Hangzhou, China
CORE: b   QUALIS: b1   Viewed: 19957   Tracked: 5   Attend: 1

Call For Papers
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit original work to HASE 2019. All submissions must be written in English and will be reviewed by at least three members of the Technical Program Committee. The HASE 2019 program will include the following tracks:

Track A: Theoretical foundations of assurance (8 pages, including all materials e.g. references, figures, tables and appendices)

Contributions under this track will focus on methods and techniques that aid in designing, modeling, validating and evolving complex systems and SoS.

Track B: The practice of assurance (8 pages)

Contributions under this track will focus on methods that have been applied in the real-world design, model, development, integration or evolution of high assurance systems, or have been tested in realistic testbeds.

Track C: Tools (4 pages)

Contributions under this track will focus on new or existing tools and their effectiveness in designing, modeling, developing, integrating or evolving high assurance systems.

Track D: Fast Abstract and New Ideas (2 pages)

Short papers under this track will focus on new ideas that producing high assurance systems and SoS. Such ideas might not have undergone a rigorous test but are novel enough and worthy of further discussion.

TOPICS OF INTEREST include, but not limited to, the following

Data Analytics for High Assurance Systems Engineering
Data Analysis and Visualization Methodologies
Data Analytics for High Assurance System Development and Evolution
Data Analytics for System-of Systems
Big Data in Cyber-Physical Systems
Big Data in Cloud Systems
Big Data in Security and Privacy

Development and Understanding

Agile System Development Methods
Model-based Systems Engineering
Requirements for High Assurance Systems
Formal Methods for High Assurance Systems Engineering
Domain Specific Languages
System Verification and Validation
Software Analysis and Visualization
High Assurance Systems Development

Platforms, Architectures and Design

Cyber-Physical Systems
Cloud Computing and Internet of Things
Distributed Networks and Systems
Embedded, Mobile, and Real-Time Systems
SCADA Systems and other Critical Infrastructures

System Operation and Behavior

Emergent Behavior and Adaptability
Safety, Vulnerability, and Fault Tolerance
Reliability, Robustness, and Resilience
Modeling and Simulation

Security and Privacy

Healthcare Systems Security and Privacy
Software Security Assurance and Assessment
Cyber security Issues and Challenges

Emerging Systems of High Assurance

Autonomous Systems and Robotics
Self-Adaptive Systems
Large-scale Systems Integration
Space and Communication Systems
Energy Management and Power Grids
Human-Systems Integration
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-09-11
Acceptance Ratio
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