Conference Information
ICSPCS 2020: International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems
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Adelaide, Australia
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Call For Papers
Communication Systems worldwide have provided a rapidly growing and useful range of services and are continuing to evolve using a multitude of Signal Processing techniques. The 14th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS 2020, follows the very successful ICSPCS'2018 and ICSPCS'2019. A major objective of the Conference will be to pursue the progression from communication and information theory through to the implementation, evaluation and performance improvement of practical communication systems using signal processing technology. The Conference is also planned to be a forum for presenting research into topics ranging from those of the physical layer to the application layer. All aspects of the protocols and processes required for the future communication systems to operate better and the applications to utilize the full potential offered by the current and the emerging networking infrastructure are also encompassed. Papers dealing with signal processing for 5G and beyond and for minimising energy use (Green Communications) are very welcome, too. Similarly the conference welcomes papers concerning protocols for the Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Grid.

In addition, we expect that, as during the previous events, there will be several papers dealing with image, video and audio processing for multimedia, medical and forensic applications, with the security of networks and information transmitted and stored, as well as other unconventional applications of signal processing and/or telecommunications modeling techniques.

Each of the submitted papers will receive 3 independent reviews and it is expected that the acceptance rate will be around 30 to 40% and not exceed 50%. As in the previous years, the conference is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society. Accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases. Additionally, authors of the accepted papers will be invited to submit the extended versions of their papers to the special issue of MDPI Electronics Journal, which will be published in 2021. Further instructions will be announced once the conference program is finalized.

Previously unpublished contributions to the following technical areas, but not limited to, are solicited:

* Traffic modelling
* Protocols
* Embedded Internet devices
* Internet of 'things'
* Resource and information management
* Adaptive QoS provisioning
* Smart grid communications
* Emerging technologies

Fixed Networks
* Optical networks and switching
* Network architectures and equipment
* Software defined networks (SDN's)
* Test-beds and trials
* New and enhanced services
* Network gaming
* Pear-to-pear networking

Communication theory and techniques
* Channel measurements and modeling
* Coding and modulation techniques
* MIMO - theory and trials
* Multi-carrier systems
* NOMA - theory and applications
* Space-time coding
* Diversity techniques
* Ultra Wide-Band Communications
* Antennas and propagation
* Satellite communications

Wireless Networks
* 5G systems and beyond
* Wireless sensors, systems, and networks
* Cognitive radio and spectrum sensing
* Delay and disruption tolerant networks
* NOMA and spectrum management
* RFID devices and systems
* Cooperative and Intermittent Networks
* Wireless privacy, security and routing
* Military Communications
* Body area and nano-networks
* Infrared and visible light communications

Information Security
* Security primitives and algorithms
* Security of wireless and distribution networks
* Software defined networks security
* Security of sensor networks
* Authentication and authorization
* Encryption
* Data integrity
* Physical layer security

Multimedia signal processing
* Streamed multimedia applications
* Algorithms and implementations
* Image and video processing
* Audio and speech processing
* Error concealment techniques
* Management of multimedia services
* Test-beds and trials
* Multimedia games

DSP algorithms and hardware implementations
* DSP implementation in hardware
* DSP algorithms and parallel acceleration techniques
* Smart antennas and tracking algorithms
* Signal separation & Identification

Novel applications of Signal Processing and Communication theory
* Medical imaging
* Financial modelling
* Data mining
* Forensic applications
* Traffic modelling

Ranging and Localization
* Indoor Positioning Technologies and Techniques
* Radio-based Positioning Systems
* Ranging and Localization Algorithms
* Vehicle/Robot Navigation
* Hybrid Positioning and Communication
* RFID Localization/Communication
* UWB Ranging and Localization

Molecular communications
* Bio-Signalling
* Molecular Communications
* Inter and Intra-Cellular Communication
* Modelling of biological processes
* Biological and chemical sensors
* Synthetic biology
* Bio-informatics
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-05-07
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