Información de la conferencia
CEIS 2016: International Conference on Computer Engineering and Information System
Día de Entrega:
2016-10-31 Extended
Fecha de Notificación:
Fecha de Conferencia:
Shanghai, China
Vistas: 10024   Seguidores: 3   Asistentes: 1

Solicitud de Artículos
1. Computer Modeling and Simulation
Basic Theory of Artificial Intelligence
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Knowledge Science and Knowledge Engineering 
Evolutionary Learning
Machine Learning
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision 
Neural Networks
Evolutionary and Genetic Algorithms 
Swarm Intelligence and Optimization 
Soft Computing and Computation Intelligence
Intelligence Plan and Scheduling
Heuristic Searching
Bioinformatics and Artificial Life
Information Retrieval and Web Search
Intelligence Control
Application of Artificial Intelligence
Bayesian Networks 
Support Vector Machines
Distributed and Parallel Computing
Cloud Computing
Grid Computing
Parallel Computing 
Human-computer Interaction 
Machine Learning

2. Image Processing and Digital Signal Processing
Image quantification and image codes 
Image reconstruction and image enhancement 
Image segmentation and feature extraction
Image fusion and ultra resolution 
Information hiding and digital watermarking 
Content-based Image Information Retrieval 
Video transmission and analysis
Remote sensing imagery processing and medicine imagery processing 
Computer applications and related fields 
Image processing in industry and agriculture

3. Artificial Intelligence and its Application
Applied Mathematics
Mathematical Modeling 
Computational Mathematics and Its Applications
Engineering Mathematics
System Modeling and Simulation
Science and engineering computing 
Discrete Mathematics and Mathematical Logic
Optimization techniques and algorithms 
Non-linear calculation 
Mechanics and finite element method 
Systems Science and Systems Engineering 
Control Theory and Applications 
Computational geometry and computer graphics
Software Engineering

4. Information System
Software Agent Technology
e-Government Engineering
Component-Based Software Engineering
Communication Systems and Networks
Data Mining and Knowledge Recovery
Artificial Intelligence
Design Patterns & Frameworks
Software Architecture
Economic and Financial Systems
Requirements Engineering
Middleware Design Techniques
Modeling with UML
Mobile/Wireless Computing
Parallel & Distributed Computing
Safety and Security Critical Software
Reengineering, Reverse Engineering
Software Process Models
Software Testing Techniques
Software Reuse and Metrics
Object-Oriented Technology
Reliability & Modeling Analysis
Cost Modeling and Analysis
Computer & Software Engineering
Technology Transfer
Business Process Reengineering & Science
Design & Process Engineering & Science
Process Management & Improvement
Healthcare Engineering
Distributed Intelligence Systems

5. Other related topics
Adhoc Networks 
Antenna & Propagation 
Bioelectronics & Biosensors 
Communication theory 
Discrete Electronics Circuits 
DSP Algorithms & Architectures 
Embedded Systems 
Green Communication 
Image Processing 
Information Theory 
Microwave Communication 
Mobile Communication 
Multimedia Processing 
Network Security 
Optimization techniques 
Opto Electronics & Optical Communication 
Pattern Analysis and Classification 
Satellite Communication 
VLSI Design 
Wireless Sensor Networks
Communication Theory and Information Theory
Optical Communications
Wireless/Mobile Communications & Technologies
Information Theory and Coding Theory
Pattern Recognition and Image Processing
Telecommunication and Networking
Information Technologies and Applications
Communication Systems
Information Technology Application
Telecommunication Technologies
Digital Communication
Bioinformatics and Scientific Computing 
Data Communications
Digital Signal Processing
Última Actualización Por Dou Sun en 2016-10-10
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Revistas Relacionadas
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bJournal of Symbolic Computation0.600Elsevier0747-7171
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine4.900Elsevier0169-2607
bJournal of the American Medical Informatics Association4.700BMJ Journals1527-974X
bSIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences SIAM1936-4954