Conference Information
WCSP 2023: International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing
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Hangzhou, China
Viewed: 36013   Tracked: 34   Attend: 13

Call For Papers
Overview: The annual International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP) aims to provide a forum that brings together International researchers from academia and practitioners in industry to meet and exchange ideas and recent research work on all aspects of wireless communications and signal processing. Following the great success of WCSP09-22, the fifteenth edition of the event, WCSP 2023, will be held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, on November 2-4, 2023. The conference will feature keynote speeches and technical sessions. 

Paper Submission: Prospective authors are invited to submit high-quality original technical papers for presentation at the conference and publication in the WCSP 2023 proceedings. All papers for technical symposia should be submitted via EDAS

1.     Information Theory and Coding Symposium 

    Adaptive modulation design
    Backscatter communications
    Cache-aided and edge-aided communication
    Channel estimation and synchronization
    Coding theory and techniques
    Communication theory aspects of distributed and edge computing
    Communication theory aspects of networking and cross-layer design
    Cooperative communications
    Detection and estimation theory
    Device-to-device and machine-type communications
    Distributed coding and computing
    Distributed processing, estimation and learning
    Edge AI and machine learning in communication systems
    Energy efficient and green PHY layer design
    Feedback in communications systems
    Information theory aspects of wireless communications
    Network and multiuser information theory
    Sparse signal processing theory for communications
    Stochastic geometry and its application to system analysis and design

2.     Emerging Areas in Communications Symposium (AI, Semantic, Quantum, etc.) 

    Architectures design for AI-enabled communication networks
    AI-enabled medium access control, interference management, and resource allocation
    Blockchain and distributed ledger technology for AI-enabled networks
    Distributed and federated learning for communication systems and networks
    Graph signal processing in radio access networks
    Holographic MIMO communications
    Innovative techniques for large-scale emerging communication technologies
    Massive machine type communications
    Modeling and performance evaluation for AI-enabled radio and networks
    Quantum Internet
    Quantum communication and networking
    Quality of service provisioning in AI-enabled radio and networks
    Routing for AI-enabled radio and networks
    Semantic communications and goal-oriented communications
    Signal processing for emerging communication technologies
    Ultra-reliable and low-latency communications
    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and satellite communications
    Waveform design, modulation, and interference aggregation for AI-enabled networks
    Wireless communications through reconfigurable intelligent surfaces
    XR communication

3.     Wireless Transmission and Access Technology Symposium (MIMO, RIS, NOMA, etc.)

    Signal processing for multi-antenna, MIMO, and/or multi-user systems
    Signal processing for intelligent reflecting surface
    Signal processing techniques for full-duplex communications
    Signal transmission, detection, and synchronization
    Spatial transmission and distributed transmission techniques
    Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems and massive MIMO
    MIMO, multi-user MIMO, massive MIMO, XL-MIMO, holographic MIMO
    Wireless access techniques, systems, and standards
    Wireless communications through reconfigurable intelligent surfaces
    Large intelligent surfaces for B5G
    Medium access control
    Cell free MIMO for B5G
    Massive random access for B5G
    Orthogonal and non-orthogonal multiple access techniques
    Interference cancellation techniques in communications systems
    Green transmission technologies and network protocols

4.     Wireless Networking Symposium (Cellular, Mesh, Edge, Cloud, etc.…) 

    5G/6G networks and beyond
    Centralized-RAN, Cloud-RAN, and Fog-RAN architectures
    Reconfigurable wireless networks
    Integration of terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks
    User cooperation and incentive techniques in wireless networks
    Small cell networks
    Wireless mesh networks
    Vehicular wireless networks
    Delay-tolerant wireless networks
    Software-defined wireless networks
    Wireless multimedia networks
    Inter-networking of wireless heterogeneous networks
    Energy harvesting and self-sustainable networks
    Dual-powered cellular networks
    Green mobile and wireless networks
    Wireless network virtualization technologies
    Cloud-based and fog-based networking
    Heterogenous and small-cell networks
    Device-to-device communications
    Routing and path selection
    Flow and congestion control
    Cross-layer design and optimization
    Network traffic characterization, measurement and monitoring Techniques
    Modeling, simulations and testbeds for communication networks

5.     Integrated Sensing, Communication and Computing Symposium 

    Theoretical aspects of integrated sensing, communications and computing
    Signal processing for joint communications and sensing
    MIMO for advanced positioning accuracy and radar like capabilities
    Cross-layer design and optimization for green communications and computing
    Experimental test-beds for integrated sensing, communications and computing
    Scheduling for integrated sensing, communications and computing
    Modelling and analysis for integrated sensing, communications and computing
    Physical layer approaches for integrated sensing, communications and computing
    Power consumption trends and reduction in integrated sensing, communications and computing
    Standardization, policy and regulation for integrated sensing, communications and computing
    Mobile edge computing and edge AI
    Intelligent sensor and actuator networks
    Wearables, body sensor networks, smart portable edge devices
    Carbon-neutral communication and computing systems
    Quality and performance of integrated sensing, communications and computing
    Design and scalability of smart city, smart home and crowd sensing applications 

6.     Audio, Video and Image Processing and Communications Symposium 

    Speech and audio signal processing
    Image and video signal processing
    Multimedia signal processing
    Multidimensional signal processing
    Cooperative networking for streaming media content
    Digital broadcasting of audio (DAB), video (DVB), and multimedia (MBMS)
    Adoption of QoE metrics and models for assessment, control and management of multimedia services
    Video quality assessment and impairment concealment
    Multimedia streaming, multicast and broadcast services
    Virtual/augmented/mixed reality
    Multimedia security and privacy
    Multimedia edge computing and fog communication
    SDN and NFV support for multimedia
    Multimedia Internet-of-Thing (IoT)
    Mobile multimedia in 5G/B5G/6G
    Multimedia big data and social media
    Energy-efficient multimedia streaming
    Machine learning and deep learning for multimedia and services
    AI applications for quality multimedia applications
    Cross-layer optimization for multimedia service support
    Quality in multimedia networks including VoLTE, VoNR, IPTV, and gaming 

7.     Wireless Data Privacy and Communication Security Symposium 

    Anonymous communications, metrics, and performance
    Applied cryptography for cyber, information, and network security
    Artificial intelligence for Network Security
    Attack detection and prevention
    Authentication protocols and key management
    Physical-layer security
    Blockchain security and privacy
    Internet of Things security and privacy
    Social network security and privacy
    UAV and vehicular network security
    Security and privacy for wireless networks
    Security and privacy for next-generation networks
    Security and privacy in healthcare systems
    Security and privacy in smart grid communications
    Security tools for communication and information systems
    Signal processing for security enhancement
    Trust and security modeling
    Secure protocol design
    Trust management in networks through emerging technology

8.     Internet of Things Symposium 

    5G and beyond 5G/6G networks for IoT
    Protocols, architectures and applications for IoT
    Design principles and best practices for IoT application development
    IoT protocols and standards (IPv6, 6LoWPAN, RPL, 6TiSCH, RAW, WoT, oneM2M, etc.)
    Ultra-low power IoT technologies and embedded system architectures
    Wearables, body sensor networks, smart portable devices
    Green IoT
    Industrial IoT
    Aerial IoT
    Tactile IoT
    RFID sensing technology
    Autonomic computing for IoT
    SDN and NFV for IoT
    Artificial intelligence and machine learning for IoT
    Big data mining and analytics in IoT
    Mobility, localization and context adaptive IoT
    Data aggregation and dissemination in multi-hop IoT networks
    Fog/edge computing and IoT: architectures and implementations
    Security, privacy, and trust issues in IoT networks
    Quality, scalability and performance in IoT

9.     Optical, THz and mmWave Communications Symposium   

    Artificial intelligence and machine learning for optical, THz and mmWave communication systems
    Modulation and coding for optical, THz and mmWave communication systems
    Multiple access techniques for optical, THz and mmWave communication systems
    Signal processing for optical, THz and mmWave communication systems
    Data analytics for optical, THz and mmWave communication systems
    Software-defined optical, THz and mmWave communication systems
    Virtualization and slicing for optical, THz and mmWave communication systems
    Resource management for optical, THz and mmWave communication systems
    Digital twin for optical, THz and mmWave communication systems
    Cross-layer design for optical, THz and mmWave communication systems
    Energy-efficient optical, THz and mmWave communication systems
    Optical wireless and fiber systems for 5G and beyond
    Free-space optical (FSO) communications and networks
    Visible light communications and networks
    Visible light positioning
    Ultraviolet communications and networks
    Optical network for datacenters and high-performance computing
    Testbeds and experiments for optical, THz and mmWave communication systems

10.     Satellite, Aerial, and Underwater Communications Symposium 

    Intersatellite and space-based communication systems and networking
    Space-air-ground integrated networks
    AI techniques for space and satellite communications
    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) communications
    Networking flying vehicles such as UAVs and drones
    AI techniques for advanced aerial mobility
    QoS and performance modelling of UAV-assisted wireless networks
    Underwater optical communications
    Underwater wireless networks
    Underwater Localization, positioning, and tracking techniques
    Underwater and underground sensor and actuator networks
    Experimental testbeds, trials and deployment
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-05-03
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