Conference Information
IC3' 2018: International Cognitive Cities Conference
Submission Date:
2018-04-15 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Okinawa, Japan
Viewed: 8497   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Recently, there are many emergency trends included population aging, global warming, food crisis and environmental pollution to affect cities. The intersection of these trends poses issues and challenges to cities. Meanwhile, rapid systems and infrastructures of intelligence and cognitive are developped to provide city resident smarter services efficiently. However, it is difficult to archive the more cognitive depended on existing techniques, models. How to construct the theoretical framework for advanced improvements of cognitive cities becomes a critical issue. IC3 2018 will provide an open platform to exchange each others' research results and experience in the topics from cognitive cities and other related fields. This conference features all recent advances in an integral concept that highlights the trends in advanced theory, systems and applications in cognitive cities. We would like solicit original papers from both academia and industry on the following (but not limited to) topics:

• Cognitive city theory, modeling and simulation
• Artificial intelligence theory and technology related to cognitive city
• Intelligent infrastructure
• Cognitive economy development
• Safety, Secutirty and Privacy in Cognitive City
• Cognitive emergency management
• Cognitive environment and policy development
• Cognitive mobility and transportation
• Internet of Things for cognitive cities
• Big Data for cognitive city
• Cognitive buildings
• Cognitive city for special needs
• Application for cognitive city
• Education for cognitive city
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-03-13
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