Journal Information
Australasian Journal of Engineering Education
Taylor & Francis
Call For Papers
The Australasian Journal of Engineering Education (AJEE) is published under the auspices of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AAEE), a technical society of Engineers Australia. The AJEE publishes research to inform high quality engineering education in Australasia and internationally.

Papers in the AJEE report research that makes an original contribution to knowledge and can be used to improve engineering education by informing practice, policy, and/or research.  

Fields of interest include the following:

1.     engineering education throughout the lifespan including: kindergarten, primary, secondary and tertiary education, and learning throughout the career

2.     education for engineering team members including: engineering associates, engineering technologists, professional engineers, engineering managers and executives, and people contributing to society using engineering knowledge and skills

3.     understanding engineering practice to inform curriculum development.

Contributions must be relevant to readers in Australasia and/or internationally. Studies that are relevant only to readers in a region outside Australasia would not be considered for publication.

AJEE is published online and in print. Papers can be accessed online as soon as the review and production processes are completed.

Publication categories:

Papers accepted for publication have been peer reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. The review process is single-blind. Reviewers are not identified to the authors. Authors are identified to the reviewers.

The following paper categories are accepted for review:

·          research paper – a paper making an original contribution to engineering education knowledge
·          special interest paper/project report – report on significant aspects of a major or notable research project
·          review paper – an analysis of a relevant field of literature, making an original contribution to knowledge.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-03-19
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