Journal Information
Computer Applications in Engineering Education
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Aims and Scope

Computer Applications in Engineering Education provides a forum for publishing peer-reviewed timely information on the innovative uses of computers, Internet, and software tools in engineering education.  Besides new courses and software tools, the CAE journal covers areas that support the integration of technology-based modules in the engineering curriculum and promotes discussion of the assessment and dissemination issues associated with these new implementation methods.Both contributed and review articles are welcomed for consideration and possible publication in CAE.

The journal publishes research articles in the following areas:

· New software tools and multimedia modules for engineering education
· Development and implementation experiences of Internet and web-based courses
· Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics for Improving Teaching and Learning Performance
· Use of gamification theory and algorithms in engineering education
· Technology role in globalization of engineering education
· New software tools for virtual and real laboratory development
· Distance learning and use of technology-based tools in classroom teaching
· Visualization, computer graphics, social networking tools, and I/O issues
· K-12 STEM topics and impact on engineering education
· Gender disparity in STEM education and engineering careers
· Effective industry engagement in engineering education
· Use of portable technologies, social media, and participatory digital culture in engineering education


Engineering educators (all disciplines), software engineers, computer science and engineering educators, social psychologists in education, educational technologies and software developers and educators, industry sponsors of engineering research and university programs, government official and programs officers in educational technologies , and graduate and undergraduate students.


engineering, education, multimedia, software, virtual reality, CAD tools, interactive software, classroom demonstration, design, software, undergraduate education, computers in laboratory, journal, online journal, Wiley Online Library
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-20
Special Issues
Special Issue on Celebrating 35th Anniversary of Scholarly Publishing and Impactful Contributions in Engineering Education
Submission Date: 2025-08-15

It is with pleasure that we invite our authors and colleagues from all over the globe to submit their original/review research articles for possible publication in the 35th Anniversary Issue of Computer Applications in Engineering Education. Wiley, our publishers, are committing significant resources to help develop a scholarly, most impactful, and timely publication of this much anticipated special issue. Computer Application in Engineering Education (CAE) started publication in 1992 with a grand vision of using computers and software tools to stimulate interest, enhance the effectiveness of teaching, and improve students' understanding of engineering subjects. Computer labs at the undergraduate level and Internet services were limited at that time, but with the help and support of our dedicated authors, we effectively used what was available at that time, 3.5-inch diskettes and CDROMs, to help distribute and share educational products, including simulation software, video clips, and even virtual labs and multimedia lessons. It was CAE's ambitious vision, and the dedication of our authors, that won CAE a highly prestigious award for scholarly publishing in 1993. Much progress has occurred, and commendable achievements have been realized since then, including expanding CAE publication from four to six issues per year and the establishment of an annual best paper award with monetary and certificate recognition. In celebrating the 25th anniversary of CAE, we published a special issue that highlighted technical and application expansions in using digital technology in education. Over 70 papers were published in that special issue, and listed categories included: Digital-technology-aided engineering education Web-based applications and on-line courses Virtual reality and gaming applications Mobile devices and social-media engagement in engineering education Assessment of technology use on students’ learning Examining the variety of contributions in each of these categories, one is able to clearly see innovations, significant advances, and the continued progress made in using digital technology in engineering education. Remarkable progress has been made from an original vision of using computers to facilitate simulation, what-if scenarios, and graphical visualization of abstract and highly mathematical subjects, to virtual laboratories, flipped classrooms, and massive open online courses (MOOCs) with global accessibility. Amazing progress can be seen when compared with what was used when we started CAE over three decades ago. From the inclusion of 3.5” diskettes with authors’ software to fascinating capabilities with mobile accessibility, anytime, anywhere, in any place, and with anyone across the globe. This brings us to what is expected from our 35th-anniversary special issue. In recent years, progress in digital technologies has been unparalleled, thus paving the way for taking CAE to new significant heights with innovative contributions and unmatched benefits to the engineering education community. Besides acknowledging new advances in what is now considered traditional areas, such as those listed above, we now have truly transformative new tools, including the development of Web 3.0 and Web 4.0, Internet participation and sharing technologies, and the emerging applications of the Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology. Advances in information technology provide higher levels of interactivity beyond those in Web 2.0, and forthcoming developments will include heightened intelligence, interactivity, and even emergence. As for the Generative AI technology and its conversational implementation in Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer (ChatGPT), we expect transformative changes in the way engineering subjects are taught and learned and the way the learning process is assessed. Much has recently been discussed and published about the capabilities and expectations, good and bad, of these technologies. Here is the real good news: these technologies are still in their infancy, and much is still to be effectively applied and learned about capabilities and true impact on engineering education. The door is wide open for innovative and impactful contributions in all aspects of engineering education, including guided development in using software and simulation tools, structured experimentation with virtual labs, and conducting assessments and self-evaluation along the way, to name a few. Given the exciting times and available opportunities, we propose the following highly suggested, but not limited topics for the CAE 35th anniversary special issue: Digital technologies, development, applications, and impact on engineering education. Here, we seek original contributions, research, and review articles that describe existing and growing capabilities of these new technologies and examples of effective application and impact on engineering learning. Besides describing a technology or a software tool, we at CAE emphasize the need for examples of implementation, but more importantly, evidence on their impact on student learning, motivation, or engagement. Technology-enhanced learning environments, educational simulations, and other web-based software solutions continue to be of interest to CAE. The role of mobile devices and social media in education is fast-growing, and original contributions are certainly of interest. Digital contents, development of innovative software tools, and immersive multimedia assets for teaching and learning engineering subjects. Effective classroom implementation and orchestration of gaming strategies, computer-supported collaborative learning, development of virtual labs, and the use of immersive technologies are of growing interest in teaching engineering courses, yet serious challenges remain, particularly for applications in virtual and distance-learning settings. Contributions in this field are particularly welcomed. Dynamic and cross-disciplinary integration of engineering education tools and resources, the role of online information in educating “globally integrated” engineers, fostering engineering entrepreneurship, industry engagement in engineering education, and research experiences for undergraduates are examples of topics that will be of significant interest to CAE readership. Pedagogical development and assessment technologies and digital tools in engineering education. Here, we seek innovative contributions to the role of digital technology in effective curriculum adaptations, modifications, and successful substitution methods. Studies that generate new pedagogical knowledge or design principles to promote the development of affective, behavioral, and cognitive engagement and learning in technology-mediated environments are particularly welcomed. Similarly, we welcome contributions that focus on computer-based assessment, stealth assessment, educational data mining, learning analytics, or other forms of personalized learning. Important Dates: Submission Deadline: Agust 15, 2025 Estimated Publication Date: June 15, 2026 Submission Information: Submit complete manuscripts to the CAE submission site: Guest Editors: Dr. Magdy F. Iskander University of Hawaii at Manoa United States Dr. Krishnasamy T. Selvan SSN College of Engineering Anna University India Dr. Akhlesh Lakhtakia The Pennsylvania State University United States Dr. Zhijun Zhang Tsinghua University China Dr. Alejandra J. Magana Purdue University United States Dr. Luis Jofre-Roca Technical University of Catalonia Spain Dr. Ricardo Ferreira Ricardo Ferreira Dpto de Informatica - Universidade Federal de Viçosa Brazil
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-20
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