Journal Information
International Journal of Communication Systems
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Aims and Scope

The International Journal of Communication Systems provides a forum for R&D, open to researchers from all types of institutions and organisations worldwide, aimed at the increasingly important area of communication technology. The Journal's emphasis is particularly on the issues impacting behaviour at the system, service and management levels. Published twelve times a year, it provides coverage of advances that have a significant potential to impact the immense technical and commercial opportunities in the communications sector. The International Journal of Communication Systems strives to select a balance of contributions that promotes technical innovation allied to practical relevance across the range of system types and issues.

The Journal addresses both public communication systems (Telecommunication, mobile, Internet, and Cable TV) and private systems (Intranets, enterprise networks, LANs, MANs, WANs). The following key areas and issues are regularly covered:

    Transmission/Switching/Distribution technologies (ATM, SDH, TCP/IP, routers, DSL, cable modems, VoD, VoIP, WDM, etc.)
    System control, network/service management
    Network and Internet protocols and standards
    Client-server, distributed and Web-based communication systems
    Broadband and multimedia systems and applications, with a focus on increased service variety and interactivity
    Trials of advanced systems and services; their implementation and evaluation
    Novel concepts and improvements in technique; their theoretical basis and performance analysis using measurement/testing, modelling and simulation
    Performance evaluation issues and methods.

The Journal has a prime remit to publish first-class original papers providing in-depth analysis of R&D work, and Special Issues are produced that comprise many papers focusing on a particular theme. A further crucial role for the Journal is to enable the reader to identify emerging principles and trends in the communications arena. Papers that will aid cross-fertilisation between disciplines are encouraged. Case studies that describe practical applications of communication technologies are welcomed. Tutorial and review articles will also be featured on a regular basis.

Review Policy: the review policy of the International Journal of Communication Systems is based on the following guidelines:

    Manuscripts are submitted with the understanding that the same work has not been published or is not under consideration elsewhere
    All papers will be subject to a well-established fair and unbiased peer review process by experts in the field
    Authors should obtain company and government clearances prior to submission of manuscripts
    Editors reserve the right to reject papers if they do not meet the Aims and Scope of the Journal, if they are excessively long, or if they are not adequately presented
    The review process will always ensure the anonymity of the referees


Communications engineers · technical managers · researchers in telecommunications, computer networks and television engineering


communications, telecommunications, computer communications, communications networks and systems, computer and telecommunications networks and systems, high speed networks, local area computer networks, metropolitan area computer networks, LAN/MAN, gigabit networks, performance eveluation of computer communication systems and networks, network protocols and architectures, journal, online journal, Wiley Online Library
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-13
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