Conference Information
IBICA 2014: International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired Computing and Applications
Submission Date:
2014-03-23 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Ostrava, Czech Republic
QUALIS: b5   Viewed: 12405   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
IBICA 2014 is the 5th International Conference on Innovations in Bio-Inspired
Computing and Applications. The previous events, IBICA 2009, IBICA 2011, IBICA
2012, and IBICA 2013 were hosted in India, China, and the Czech Republic with
great success. The aim of IBICA 2014 is to provide a platform for world research
leaders and practitioners, to discuss the “full spectrum” of current theoretical
developments, emerging technologies, and innovative applications of Bio-inspired
Computing. Bio-inspired Computing is currently one of the most exciting research
areas, and it is continuously demonstrating exceptional strength in solving
complex real life problems. The main driving force of the conference is to further
explore the intriguing potential of Bio-inspired Computing. IBICA 2014 will be
held in Ostrava, Czech Republic. Ostrava is the capital of the Moravian-Silesian
Region and the third largest city in the Czech Republic as to the area and
population. Ostrava has a convenient strategic position - it is situated
10 kilometers south of the Polish state border and 50 kilometers west of the
Slovak border. Its distance from the country’s capital Prague is 360 km, 170 km
from Brno, 90 km from Katowice in Poland and just 310 km from Vienna, Austria.

The IBICA 2014 organizing committee is inviting the submission of papers that
present high quality, original, and not previously published work in the
related areas. All submissions will be thoroughly peer-reviewed by multiple
reviewers to ensure quality and unbiased comments. Papers that discuss the
successful application of Bio-inspired computing techniques in solving real
life problem will be highly regarded. Proceedings of IBICA 2014 will be
published in Springer series Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing. It is
indexed by to IET INSPEC, EI (Compendex), Thomson ISTP, DBLP Exceptional
quality papers will also be invited for further extension, and be considered
for publication on journals and book series that are strongly associated with
the conference series.

The scope of IBICA 2014 includes, but is not limited to, the following topics:

Bio-inspired Computing
Ant Colony System
Artificial Immune Systems
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Neural Networks
Cellular Automaton
Cognitive Modeling
DNA Computing
Differential Evolution
Emergent Systems
Evolutionary Computations
Evolutionary Strategies/Programming
Fuzzy Logic
Genetic Algorithms/Programming
Granular Computing
Neutrosophic Systems
Organic Computing
P Systems
Particle Swarm Optimization

Emerging Technologies & Applications:
Business Intelligence
Cloud Computing
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Financial Computing
Life Sciences
Multimedia Applications
Network Management
Social Networks Analysis and Computing
System Control and Optimization
Ubiquitous/Pervasive Computing
Web Intelligence
Wireless/Sensor Networks
Other Applications 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2014-03-07
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