Journal Information
Universal Access in the Information Society
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Aims and scope

Universal Access in the Information Society (UAIS) is an international, interdisciplinary refereed journal that solicits original research contributions addressing the accessibility, usability, and, ultimately, acceptability of Information Society Technologies by anyone, anywhere, at anytime, and through any media and device. Universal access refers to the conscious and systematic effort to proactively apply principles, methods and tools of universal design order to develop Information Society Technologies that are accessible and usable by all citizens, including the very young and the elderly and people with different types of disabilities, thus avoiding the need for a posteriori adaptations or specialized design. The journal's unique focus is on theoretical, methodological, and empirical research, of both technological and non-technological nature, that addresses equitable access and active participation of potentially all citizens in the information society.

The journal´s perspective is that the requirement for universal access stems from the growing impact of the fusion of the emerging technologies, and from the different dimensions of diversity, which are intrinsic to the information society. These dimensions become evident when considering the broad range of user characteristics, the changing nature of human activities, the variety of contexts of use, the increasing availability and diversification of information and knowledge sources and services, the proliferation of technological platforms, etc.

The Journal's primary objectives are to:

    provide an archival publication channel for the discussion and advancement of theoretical and practical aspects of universal access in the information society
    facilitate the rapid and wide diffusion of scientific and technological results that promote universal access in the information society
    stimulate cross-fertilization between the different contributing disciplines. 

The journal publishes research work on the design, development, evaluation, use, and impact of Information Society Technologies, and as on standardization, policy, and other non-technological issues that facilitate and promote universal access.

Paper submissions, in English, should report on theories, methods, tools, empirical results, reviews, case studies, and best-practice examples, in any application domain, and should have a clear focus on universal access.

Contributions are solicited in, but not limited to, the following topics:

    Accessibility guidelines
    Accessible games
    Adaptable and adaptive interfaces
    Alternative and augmented Input /Output techniques
    Applications of assistive technologies in the mainstream
    Architectures, development methods and tools for universal access
    Assistive applications and environments
    Context awareness
    Design good practice for Universal Access
    Design for All and accessibility education and training
    Design methods, techniques and tools for Universal Access
    Design theory and design support tools
    Economics of universal access
    Evaluation of Accessibility, Usability, and User Experience
    Human activity modeling and support
    Infrastructures and protocols supporting universal access
    Modality independent and multimodal interaction
    Multilingual and multicultural issues
    Novel designs for the very young, the elderly, and people with different types of disabilities
    Novel interaction techniques, platforms, metaphors and devices
    Participatory design approaches involving diverse target user groups
    Personalization techniques and personalized products and services
    Policy measures, legislation, standardization and certification
    Security and privacy issues in sensor-augmented environments
    Smart artifacts and smart environments
    Social and psychological issues
    Tangible and Implicit Interaction
    Technology assessment and impact of ICT on Universal Access
    Universal Access to Ambient Intelligence and Augmented Environments
    Universal Access to mobile interaction
    Universal Access to online communities and eServices
    Universal Access to the Web
    User and context modeling and monitoring
    User requirements elicitation and analysis for diverse target user groups 

In addition to the above, the journal will host special issues, book reviews and letters to the editor, news from the Information Society Technologies industry and standardization and regulatory bodies, announcements (e.g. conferences, seminars, presentations, exhibitions, education and curricula, awards, new research programs), and commentaries (e.g. about new legislation).

Founder: Constantine Stephanidis, University of Crete & ICS-FORTH, Greece
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-20
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