Journal Information
Microsystem Technologies
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Aims and scope

"Microsystem Technologies - Micro- and Nanosystems. Information Storage and Processing Systems" is intended to provide rapid publication of important and timely results on electromechanical, materials science, design, and manufacturing issues of these systems and their components.  

The MEMS/NEMS (Micro/NanoElectroMechanical Systems) area includes sensor, actuators and other micro/nanosystems, and micromechatronic systems integration.  

Information storage systems include magnetic recording, optical recording, and other recording devices, e.g., rigid disk, flexible disk, tape and card drives. Processing systems include copiers, printers, scanners and digital cameras.   

All contributions are of international archival quality. These are refereed by MST editors and their reviewers by rigorous journal standards. The journal covers a wide range of interdisciplinary technical areas. It brings together and cross-links the knowledge, experience, and capabilities of academic and industrial specialists in many fields. Finally, it contributes to the economically and ecologically sound production of reliable, high-performance MEMS and information storage & processing systems.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-20
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