Journal Information
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
The Science of Intelligent Machines
An International JournalMission and Scope

A journal of IFAC, the International Federation of Automatic Control

Welcome to Mechatronics: The Science of Intelligent Machines. Mechatronics is a refereed journal that publishes articles that report advances in the state-of-the-art in Mechatronics and Robotics. We welcome original submissions that report creative or innovative methodology and solutions with a synergistic combination of mechanical engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, and control systems of intelligent machines or robotic systems. Submitted manuscripts are expected to report experimental results obtained from laboratory or full-scale mechatronic apparatus. Some of the topics addressed in the published articles include:

Mechatronics: Modeling, identification and control of mechatronic systems; motion and vibration control; micro/nano systems and devices; automotive systems; biomedical mechatronic systems; and advanced manufacturing equipment and processes.

Robotics: Modeling, control, learning and system issues related to: autonomous vehicles and robots, marine, underwater, and aerial robots, legged robots, soft robots, field robots, industrial robots, medical robots; human-robot interaction; teleoperation; haptics; and multi-robot systems.

Types of papers

Regular Articles: Articles that describe original research of high quality in Mechatronics or in Robotics.

Review Articles: Contain a detailed survey of established or emerging topics of interest to the journal readership.

Robotics and Mechatronics Letters: Short manuscripts, no longer than seven printed journal pages, that report important time sensitive results in Robotics or in Mechatronics. These articles will go through a rapid review process overseen by a dedicated Co-Editor-in- Chief.

Book Reviews: A detailed review of published textbooks or research monographs of interest to Mechatronics' readership.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-14
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