Conference Information
ICCST' 2021: International Conference on Culture-oriented Science & Technology
Submission Date:
2021-06-30 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Beijing, China
Viewed: 6448   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
ICCST 2021 aims to culture-oriented science & technology, intelligent theory and technology, social media and technology, big data, VR/AR, digital media engineering, immersive experience technology, etc. This conference will present and share the results of current research efforts in this field and future problems arising from the application of related technologies. The scope of the conference will cover but not be limited to the following topics:

    1. Basic service technology in the cultural field

    1.1 Cultural value mining
    1.2 Cultural big data
    1.3 Digital copyrights services
    1.4 Cultural service evaluation
    1.5 Cultural service credit
    1.6 Cultural statistics and surveys
    1.7 Cultural trusted networks and computing

    2.Cultural communication theory

    2.1 Recommendation algorithm
    2.2 Propagation model prediction
    2.3 Tamper proof technology
    2.4 Game confrontation

    3. Intelligent technology in the cultural field

    3.1 Cognitive intelligence
    3.2 Language intelligence
    3.3 Audiovisual intelligence
    3.4 AI Cultural creation
    3.5 Data intelligence

    4. Immersion technology in the cultural field

    4.1 Experience science (Holographic image)
    4.2 AR / VR
    4.3 5G / 6G + Ultra HD
    4.4 Intelligent interaction
    4.5 Game confrontation (Virtual interactive game)
    4.6 Virtual simulation
    4.7 Art calculation

    5. Integration technology and system in the cultural field

    5.1 Cultural performing arts
    5.2 Radio, film and television
    5.3 Digital publishing
    5.4 Public cultural services
    5.5 Cultural heritage
    5.6 Cultural tourism
    5.7 Creative design
    5.8 Cultural equipment
    5.9 Cultural internationalization

    6. New technologies and services in web culture

    6.1 Media convergence
    6.2 Network audiovisual
    6.3 Knowledge services
    6.4 Mobile SNS
    6.5 Cloud acting
    6.6 E-sports
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2021-06-19
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