Conference Information
DySPAN 2024: IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks
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Washington DC, USA
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Call For Papers
The IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN) is a leading conference on diverse issues related to spectrum sensing, access, sharing, coexistence, and utilization within current and emerging wireless technologies. After a three-year hiatus, DySPAN is relaunching to be held on May 13 - 16, 2024, with a broader coverage. The conference welcomes papers on both technology and policy issues that pertain to all aspects of advanced spectrum technologies. With an ever-growing demand for more wireless capacity and increasingly pervasive wireless applications, high-efficiency spectrum technologies are needed more than ever. As super-6 GHz technologies such as millimeter-wave (mmWave) and terahertz (THz) are becoming mainstream, dynamic spectrum access (DSA) needs to go beyond legacy sub-6 GHz methods and tackle pounding challenges in managing the precious spectral resources. Likewise, spectrum allocation and assignment policy and techniques need to reflect an increased demand for local and private networks and the need to share with incumbent services. DySPAN’24 aims to bring together both industry, academia, and government stakeholders in a common forum for sharing experiences and accelerating the state-of-the-art in wireless technologies.

Topics of interest to the conference include but are not limited to:

    AI and ML in spectrum access and management
    Experiences with experimental and emulation platforms, including PAWR platforms and the Colosseum
    Datasets for community use
    Simulator design for spectrum access
    Systems and radio frontends for spectrum sensing/access
    MIMO techniques
    Waveform generation for spectrum access and management
    Channel models for super-6 GHz (mmWave and THz) and legacy bands
    Spectrum access and management in mobile environments
    Spectrum access and management for directional wireless systems
    Edge computing for spectrum access and management
    Security and privacy issues in spectrum access and management
    Information-theoretic aspects of spectrum access and management
    Energy-efficient DSA
    Energy harvesting in DSA systems
    MAC and routing protocols for DSA
    DSA, sensing, sharing in super-6 GHz spectrum
    Spectrum access and management for the Internet-of-Things
    Spectrum access and management in satellite networking
    Coexistence of heterogeneous spectrum technologies
    Passive or active spectrum sharing
    Business models and pricing for DSA
    Market design and regulatory approaches for DSA
    Software regulation/standardization and equipment certification
    Intermediate spectrum rights models between exclusive licensing and unlicensed/license-exempt
    ‘Closed-loop’ spectrum management techniques to better reflect actual rather than planned usage
    Industry and government roles in enabling DSA
    Spectrum auctions and economics
    Evolution of spectrum assignment techniques beyond traditional monolithic auctions
    Spectrum and/or infrastructure sharing techniques
    Shared infrastructure and shared spectrum: the role of neutral hosts
    Defining/enforcing rights and responsibilities of spectrum licensees and easement
    Standardization of DSA technology
    The role of Open RAN in enabling more efficient spectrum utilization
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-07-16
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