Conference Information
BIODEVICES 2019: International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices
Submission Date:
2018-12-18 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Prague, Czech Republic
Viewed: 9262   Tracked: 1   Attend: 1

Call For Papers

The purpose of the International Conference on Bio-Devices is to bring together researchers and practitioners from electronics, mechanical engineering, physics and related areas who are interested in developing, studying and using innovative materials, devices and systems inspired by biological systems and/or addressing biomedical requirements. Monitoring and diagnostics devices, sensors and instrumentation systems, biorobotics and prosthetics, micro-nanotechnologies including microfluidics systems and biomaterials are some of the technologies addressed at this conference. The fabrication and evaluation of biodevices, including wearable and implantable devices is also addressed. BIODEVICES encourages authors to submit papers to one of the main topics indicated below, describing original work, including methods, techniques, advanced prototypes, applications, systems, tools or general survey papers, reporting research results and/or indicating future directions. Accepted papers will be presented at the conference by one of the authors and published in the proceedings. Acceptance will be based on quality, relevance and originality. There will be both oral and poster sessions. The proceedings will be indexed by several major international indexers. Special sessions are also welcome. Please contact the secretariat for further information on how to propose a special session.


    Diagnostic devices
    Electrical Bio-impedance
    Electrocardiography and Heart Monitoring
    Electronic nose & non-invasive diagnostics
    Health Monitoring Devices
    Imaging and Visualization Devices
    Implantable Electronics
    Lab on a Chip and Microfluidic Devices
    Microelectromechanical systems
    Rehabilitation Technology
    Wearable and Mobile Devices
    Wireless Systems and Biotelemetry
    Biomechanical Devices
    Biomedical Equipment & Instrumentation
    Biomedical Metrology
    Biomedical Sensors
    Brain-computer Interfaces
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-12-09
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