Journal Information
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
The IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy is a journal aimed at disseminating results of research on sustainable energy systems that can be integrated into the power transmission and/or distribution grid. The journal publishes original research on design, implementation, grid-integration and control of sustainable energy technologies and systems. The Transactions also welcomes manuscripts on design, implementation and evaluation of power systems that are affected by sustainable energy systems and devices.

Topics within the journal scope:

    Battery and storage
    Combined heat and power
    Electricity from Biomass
    Energy efficiency
    Fuel cells
    Grid interaction of sustainable energy sources
    Hydrogen technology
    Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions
    Small hydro design and applications
    Solar photovoltaics
    Solar thermal electricity
    Tidal and wave energy
    Wind turbine generators

Examples of topics out-of-scope:

    Microgrid design, optimization, operation and control – not involving renewable energy generation characteristics
    Virtual power plant design, optimization, control not involving renewable energy plants
    Protection of renewable generation – except involving fault ride through
    Design, optimization and control of power converters without consideration of network
    Theory and principle of generation of power from stand-alone power generation, conversion or storage technologies without involving electric power network
    Renewable energy development and feasibility study project not involving new modeling and methodology of design optimization
    Sharing operating experience of sustainable and other community energy development projects without technical rigor and methodology
    Dynamics and condition monitoring of wave/wind/tidal turbine mechanical components
    Resource (wind, irradiance, tide, ocean current, etc.) assessment except forecasting for use in power grid operations.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-26
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