Conference Information
HILT 2014: High Integrity Language Technology Date: |
2014-07-05 Extended |
Notification Date: |
Conference Date: |
2014-10-18 |
Location: |
Portland, Oregon, USA |
Viewed: 12934 Tracked: 1 Attend: 0
Call For Papers
High integrity software must not only meet correctness and performance criteria but also satisfy stringent safety and/or security demands, typically entailing certification against a relevant standard. A significant factor affecting whether and how such requirements are met is the chosen language technology and its supporting tools: not just the programming language(s) but also languages for expressing specifications, program properties, domain models, and other attributes of the software or overall system. HILT 2014 will provide a forum for experts from academia/research, industry, and government to present the latest findings in designing, implementing, and using language technology for high integrity software. We are soliciting technical papers, experience reports, and tutorial proposals on a broad range of relevant topics. POSSIBLE TOPICS INCLUDE BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: • New developments in formal methods • Multicore and high integrity systems • Object-Oriented Programming in high integrity systems • High-integrity languages (e.g., SPARK) • Use of high reliability profiles such as Ravenscar • Use of language subsets (e.g., MISRA C, MISRA C++) • Software safety standards (e.g., DO-178B and DO-178C) • Typed/Proof-Carrying Intermediate Languages • Contract-based programming (e.g., Ada 2012) • Specification languages (e.g., Z) • Annotation languages (e.g., JML) • Model-based development for critical systems • Teaching high integrity development • Case studies of high integrity systems • Real-time networking/quality of service guarantees • Analysis, testing, and validation • Static and dynamic analysis of code • Information Assurance • Security and the Common Criteria / Common Evaluation Methodology • Architecture design languages (e.g., AADL) • Fault tolerance and recovery KINDS OF TECHNICAL CONTRIBUTIONS TECHNICAL ARTICLES present significant results in research, practice, or education. Articles are typically 10-20 pages in length. These Ada Letters. The Proceedings will be entered into the widely consulted ACM Digital Library accessible online to university campuses, ACM’s mare than 110,000 members, and the wider software community. EXTENDED ABSTRACTS discuss current work for which early submission of a full paper may be premature. If your abstract is accepted, a full paper is required and will appear in the proceedings. Extended abstracts will be double-blind refereed. In 5 pages or less, clearly state the work’s contribution, its relationship with previous work (with bibliographic references), results to date, and future directions. EXPERIENCE REPORTS present timely results and “lessons learned”. Submit a 2-3 page description of the project and the key points of interest. Descriptions will be published in the final program or proceedings, but a paper will not be required. PANEL SESSIONS gather groups of experts on particular topics. Panelists present their views and then exchange views with each other and the audience. Panel proposals should be 1-2 pages in length, identifying the topic, coordinator, and potential panelists. INDUSTRIAL PRESENTATIONS Authors of industrial presentations are invited to submit a short overview (at least 2 page in length) of the proposed presentation and, if selected, a subsequent extended abstract for a 30-minute talk. The authors of accepted presentations will be invited to submit corresponding articles for ACM Ada Letters. WORKSHOPS are focused sessions that allow knowledgeable professionals to explore issues, exchange views, and perhaps produce a report on a particular subject. Workshop proposals, up to 5 pages in length, will be selected based on their applicability to the conference and potential for attracting participants. TUTORIALS can address a broad spectrum of topics relevant to the conference theme. Submissions will be evaluated based on applicability, suitability for presentation in tutorial format, and presenter’s expertise. Tutorial proposals should include the expected level of experience of participants, an abstract or outline, the qualifications of the instructor(s), and the length of the tutorial (half day or full day). papers will be double-blind refereed and published in the Conference Proceedings and in ACM
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2014-06-28
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