Conference Information
ICAISC 2021: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing
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Zakopane, Poland
Viewed: 7730   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers

Contributions covering all theoretical developments and practical applications in artificial intelligence and soft computing techniques, including but not limited to the following technical areas, are invited:

    Agent-based systems
    Ant colony optimization
    Approximate reasoning
    Artificial immune systems
    Artificial Intelligence in modelling and simulation
    Artificial Intelligence in scheduling and optimization
    Artificial life
    Bioinformatics and computational biology
    Brain-machine interfaces
    Cognitive systems and applications

    Computer vision
    Data mining
    Differential Evolution
    Evolutionary data mining
    Evolutionary design
    Evolutionary scheduling
    Expert systems
    Fuzzy Computing with Words
    Fuzzy control and intelligent systems
    Fuzzy decision making and decision support systems
    Fuzzy logic and fuzzy set theory

    Fuzzy optimization and design
    Fuzzy pattern recognition
    Fuzzy systems for robotics
    Game theory
    Hardware Implementations
    Intelligent database systems
    Knowledge engineering
    Machine learning
    Modeling and identification
    Molecular and quantum computing
    Multi-agent systems
    Collective intelligence

    Natural language processing
    Neural Network Theory and Architectures
    Particle swarm optimization
    Robotics and related fields
    Rough sets and rough data analysis
    Speech understanding
    Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
    Type-2 fuzzy logic
    Various Applications
    Web intelligence
    Human–computer interaction
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-07-30
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