Conference Information
GPCE 2022: International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences Date: |
2022-08-08 |
Notification Date: |
2022-10-10 |
Conference Date: |
2022-12-05 |
Location: |
Auckland, New Zealand |
Years: |
21 |
CORE: b QUALIS: a2 Viewed: 14456 Tracked: 2 Attend: 0
Call For Papers
The ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences (GPCE) is a programming languages conference focusing on techniques and tools for code generation, language implementation, and product-line development. GPCE seeks conceptual, theoretical, empirical, and technical contributions to its topics of interest, which include but are not limited to: program transformation, staging, macro systems, preprocessors, program synthesis, and code-recommendation systems, domain-specific languages, language embedding, language design, and language workbenches, feature-oriented programming, domain engineering, and feature interactions, applications and properties of code generation, language implementation, and product-line development. GPCE promotes cross-fertilization between programming languages and software development and among different styles of generative programming in its broadest sense. Authors are welcome to check with the PC chair whether their planned papers are in scope.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2022-04-09
Acceptance Ratio
Year | Submitted | Accepted | Accepted(%) |
2011 | 58 | 18 | 31% |
2009 | 62 | 19 | 30.6% |
2007 | 61 | 20 | 32.8% |
2006 | 85 | 30 | 35.3% |
2004 | 75 | 25 | 33.3% |
2003 | 62 | 21 | 33.9% |
2002 | 39 | 18 | 46.2% |
2001 | 43 | 14 | 32.6% |
2000 | 29 | 12 | 41.4% |
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Related Journals
CCF | Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher | ISSN |
Polymer | 4.100 | Elsevier | 0032-3861 | |
International Journal of Game Theory and Technology | AIRCC | 2455-0892 | ||
IEEE Internet of Things Magazine | IEEE | 2576-3180 | ||
Journal of Object Technology | EtH Zurich | 1660-1769 | ||
Image Processing On Line | IPOL | 2105-1232 | ||
b | IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering | 5.900 | IEEE | 1545-5955 |
c | IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics | 11.70 | IEEE | 1551-3203 |
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles | 14.00 | IEEE | 2379-8858 | |
c | Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications | 3.300 | Springer | 1936-6442 |
IEEE Internet Computing Magazine | 3.700 | IEEE | 1089-7801 |
Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher |
Polymer | 4.100 | Elsevier |
International Journal of Game Theory and Technology | AIRCC | |
IEEE Internet of Things Magazine | IEEE | |
Journal of Object Technology | EtH Zurich | |
Image Processing On Line | IPOL | |
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering | 5.900 | IEEE |
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics | 11.70 | IEEE |
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles | 14.00 | IEEE |
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications | 3.300 | Springer |
IEEE Internet Computing Magazine | 3.700 | IEEE |