Conference Information
CISIS' 2019: International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems Date: |
2019-01-20 Extended |
Notification Date: |
2019-03-01 |
Conference Date: |
2019-05-13 |
Location: |
Seville, Spain |
Viewed: 8632 Tracked: 0 Attend: 0
Call For Papers
*** PROCEEDINGS*** CISIS’19 proceedings will be published (tentatively) by Springer in a special volume of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Springer), indexed by ISI Proceedings, DBLP and Springerlink, among others. All submissions will be refereed by experts in the field based on originality, significance, quality and clarity. Every submitted paper to CISIS’19 will be reviewed by at least two members of the Program Committee. ——————————————————————– The 12th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security (CISIS’19) aims to offer a meeting opportunity for academic and industry-related researchers belonging to the various, vast communities of Computational Intelligence, Information Security, and Data Mining. CISIS’19 will be celebrated in conjuntion with: SOCO’19 ICEUTE’19 ——————————————————————– *** TOPICS*** The Conference topics can be identified by, but are not limited to, the following subjects (related to Security for Information Systems): Machine Learning for Data Mining Data Mining Methods for Security Agent and Multi-Agent Systems Hybrid Systems Unsupervised Learning Classification Methods Novelty Detection Intrusion Detection Systems Log Correlation Methods Adaptive Defense of Network Infrastucture Adaptive Reasoning Information Forensics Document Classification and Processing Ontologies and Conceptual Information Processing Semantic Information Representation Natural Language Acquisition Web Semantics in Intelligence and Law-Enforcement Industrial and Commercial Applications of Intelligent Methods for Security Intelligent Control and Monitoring of Critical Systems Dynamic Adaptive Railway Operation Centralized Control Systems Adaptive Planning for Strategic Reasoning Intelligent Methods in Energy and Transportation Planning and Automated Reasoning in Large System Control Biometric Identification and Recognition Biometric Surveillance Biometric Access Control Extraction of Biometric Features (fingerprint, iris, face, voice, palm, gait) Cryptography Applied Cryptography and provably-secure cryptographic protocols Design and analysis of efficient cryptographic primitives: public-key and symmetric-key cryptosystems, block ciphers, and hash functions Economic fraud on the Internet: phishing, pharming, spam, and click fraud Email and web security Intellectual property protection: metering, watermarking, and digital rights management. Computer Science, namely on HPC and Grid computing issues Computational Sciences, with requirements in HPC and Grid Computational Engineering with a similar focus. Grid Middleware, Grid Computing, Data and Networking Infrastructures Distributed and Large-Scale Data Access and Management Data Repositories, Distributed Resource Management and Scheduling Supercomputer/cluster/grid integration issues Grid Performance Evaluation, QoS and SLA Negotiation Grid and HPC Applications, including e-Science in general and also Science Gateways, Nanomaterials, High Energy Physics, e-Health, e-Business, e-Administration, Life Sciences, Earth Sciences, Civil Protection, Computational Sciences and Engineering, … User Development Environments and Programming Tools for Grid Computing. Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) Virtualization in data centers Virtualization for resource management and QoS assurance Security aspects of using virtualization in a distributed environment Virtual networks Virtual data, storage as a service Fault tolerance in virtualized environments Virtualization in P2P systems Virtualization-based adaptive/autonomic systems The creation and management of environments/appliances Virtualization technologies Performance modeling (applications and systems) Virtualization techniques for energy/thermal management Case studies of applications on IaaS platforms Deployment studies of virtualization technologies Tools relevant to virtualization ——————————————————————– ***PAPER SUBMISSION*** All submissions will be refereed by experts in the field based on originality, significance, quality and clarity. Every submitted paper to CISIS’19 will be reviewed by at least two members of the Program Committee. Papers must be prepared according to Springer’s templates (MS Word or LaTeX format) for the Advances in Intelligent and Computing volume series ( and must be no more than ten (10) pages long, including figures and bibliography. Additional pages (over 10 pages) will be charged at 150 Euro each. Submission system:
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-01-13
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