Conference Information
CDC 2020: Annual Conference on Decision and Control
Submission Date:
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Jeju Island, Korea
CORE: a   QUALIS: b1   Viewed: 23564   Tracked: 5   Attend: 2

Call For Papers
All papers as well as session proposals must be submitted electronically through PaperPlaza. Authors are advised to carefully read the CDC 2020 submission instructions. In accordance with IEEE requirements, only PDF files will be accepted. In addition to regular papers, the IEEE CDC 2020 will also have invited sessions/papers. Please contact the Program Chairs, Professors Jay H. Lee and Luca Zaccarian (, for further information. Please note that the conference language is English, and all submissions must be written in English.

Regular papers

Papers are invited in the form of regular manuscripts (allotted six (6) Proceedings pages). Note that short manuscripts are not considered. Papers must be submitted through the conference submission website PaperPlaza and must conform to the submission policy requiring that all manuscripts be in 2-column format and meet strict page limits.

For the purpose of review only, manuscripts may be up to eight (8) pages long. However, normal length for the final manuscript is limited to six (6) pages. Papers exceeding the normal length may be submitted upon payment of overlength page charges for each page in excess of six. A maximum of two extra pages above normal six are permitted.

Note also that the new Journal IEEE Control Systems Letters (L-CSS) now provides a possibility to submit and publish a paper in the Journal, but present it at CDC. All details are provided at the journal website, in the section L-CSS and CDC. Note that the submission deadline for such joint contributions is March 3, 2020.

The link to the submission site of the IEEE Control Systems Letters is here.

Invited sessions

Proposals are sought from those wishing to organize an invited session. An invited session consists of six papers, which should present a unifying theme from a diversity of viewpoints. Proposals for invited sessions are submitted through the conference submission website PaperPlaza, and must contain a Summary Statement describing the motivation and relevance of the proposed session, as well as short descriptions of the component papers. The invited sessions organizers are advised that the deadline for the proposals is set to March 10, 2020 - one week earlier than the deadline for the component papers (March 17, 2020).

The invited session papers have to be submitted separately by the respective authors (see the submission instructions). Invited sessions papers must conform to the CDC submission policy; ABSTRACTS of invited papers will NOT be accepted. Please note that each paper in a proposed invited session will be individually reviewed, and that the proposed invited session itself will also be rated as a whole. Paralleling the rule for regular papers, for the purpose of review only, invited sessions papers may be up to eight (8) pages long. However, the normal length for the final manuscript is limited to six (6) pages. Invited sessions papers exceeding the normal length may be submitted upon payment of overlength page charges for each page in excess of six. A maximum of two extra pages above normal six are permitted.

To ensure the continuity of the program and that papers addressing similar issues are grouped together, at the discretion of the Program Committee, individual papers may be removed from a proposed session and replaced by appropriate contributed papers. Likewise, selected papers from rejected invited sessions may be placed into the regular program. 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-08-11
Acceptance Ratio
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