Conference Information
APMC 2015: Asia Pacific Microwave Conference Date: |
2015-06-15 Extended |
Notification Date: |
2015-07-20 |
Conference Date: |
2015-12-06 |
Location: |
Nanjing, China |
Viewed: 23519 Tracked: 1 Attend: 1
Call For Papers
2015 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC2015) is intended to provide an international forum for the exchange of information on the progress of research and development in electromagnetic wave theory, microwaves, antennas, and related fields as shown in the Topics. It is also an important objective of this meeting to promote mutual-interaction among participants. APMC2015 will be held in Nanjing, China on December 6-9, 2015. Nanjing was awarded the title of "Famous Historic and Culture City" because she had been Capitals of China ten times. Today, Nanjing is Capital of Jiangsu Province and one of the important hubs of communications in China. APMC2015 is organized by Southeast University, co-sponsored by CIE Microwave Society and IEEE MTT-S, and technically co-sponsored by EuMA, IEEE AP-S, Science and Technology on Antenna and Microwave Laboratory, IEEE MTT-AP-EMC Joint Nanjing Chapter, etc. Topics A-1 Field analysis and guided waves A-2 Time- and frequency-domain EM analysis A-3 Instrumentation and measurementtechniques A-4 CAD algorithms and techniques A-5 Microwave device modeling A-6 RF nanotechnology A-7 Nonlinear circuit and system simulation B-1 Transmission line elements B-2 Passive circuit elements B-3 Planar passive filters and multiplexers B-4 Active, tunable and integrated filters B-5 Ferroelectric, ferrite and acousticwave components B-6 MEMS components and technologies C-1 Semiconductor devices and monolithicICs C-2 Signal generation C-3 Frequency conversion and control C-4 HF, VHF and UHF technologies andapplications C-5 Power amplifier devices and circuits C-6 High-power amplifiers C-7 Low noise components and receivers C-8 mm-Wave and THz components andtechnologies C-9 Microwave photonics D-1 Mixed model and digital signalprocessing systems D-2 Packaging, interconnects, MCMs andintegration D-3 Biological effects and medicalapplications D-4 Arrays as antennas and power combiners D-5 Radar and broadband communicationsystems D-6 Wireless and cellular communicationsystems D-7 Sensors and sensor systems D-8 RFID technologies D-9 High power microwave industrialapplications E-1 RF devices for wireless health careapplications E-2 Wireless power transmission E-3 New technologies & innovationsystem applications Submission Information All submissions must be electronic in IEEEXplore compliant PDF format only and hard copies will not be accepted. All papers must be written in English and limited to four pages including text, references, and figures. Presented papers will be submitted to the Xplore Digital Library. Student Paper Contest Student paper contest is limited to fulltime student who must be the first author of the paper, and the student isrequired to present their papers at the conference. The candidates are requiredto show their full time student identification cards on the registration desk.Each of the three final winners will be awarded the APMC2015 Best Student PaperPrize with a certificate. All the students are encouraged to participate in the contest.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2015-05-30
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Related Journals
CCF | Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher | ISSN |
ACM SIGMIS Database | ACM | 0095-0033 | ||
Library & Information Science Research | 2.400 | Elsevier | 0740-8188 | |
b | Information Sciences | 8.100 | Elsevier | 0020-0255 |
c | The Journal of Supercomputing | 2.500 | Springer | 0920-8542 |
b | Software Testing, Verification and Reliability | 1.500 | John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | 1099-1689 |
a | International Journal of Human-Computer Studies | 5.300 | Elsevier | 1071-5819 |
IEEE Internet of Things Magazine | IEEE | 2576-3180 | ||
Applied Mathematical Modelling | 4.400 | Elsevier | 0307-904X | |
Polymer | 4.100 | Elsevier | 0032-3861 | |
Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences | Springer | 2192-1962 |
Full Name | Impact Factor | Publisher |
ACM SIGMIS Database | ACM | |
Library & Information Science Research | 2.400 | Elsevier |
Information Sciences | 8.100 | Elsevier |
The Journal of Supercomputing | 2.500 | Springer |
Software Testing, Verification and Reliability | 1.500 | John Wiley & Sons, Ltd |
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies | 5.300 | Elsevier |
IEEE Internet of Things Magazine | IEEE | |
Applied Mathematical Modelling | 4.400 | Elsevier |
Polymer | 4.100 | Elsevier |
Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences | Springer |