Conference Information
CloudTech 2023: International Conference on Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence: Technologies and Applications
Submission Date:
2023-06-15 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Marrakesh, Morocco
Viewed: 15184   Tracked: 8   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
We invite the submission of original work that is related to the topics below. Topics are organized into six tracks as follow:

We invite you to submit research papers related to following conference tracks:

    Track 1 - Cloud Computing
    Track 2 - Artificial Intelligence
    Track 3 - Big Data
    Track 4 - High Performance Computing
    Track 5 - IoT and Mobile Computing

Track 1 - Cloud Computing

    Accountability and audit
    Application benchmarks and use cases
    Application development and debugging tools
    Application workflows and scheduling
    Business models and economics of cloud services
    Business processes, compliance and certification
    Climate and ecosystem monitoring
    Cloud Brokering Problem
    Cloud federation and hybrid cloud infrastructure
    Cloud integrity
    Cloud security
    Cloud services delivery models, campus integration and “last mile” issues
    Cloud services models and frameworks
    Cloud services reference models and standardization
    Cloud system design with FPGAs, GPUs or APUs
    Cloud threat/attack/vulnerability models
    Cloud-centric Mobile security
    Cloud-delivered security services
    Cloud-powered services design
    Computational resources, storage and network virtualization
    Cross-layer optimization of green networking infrastructures
    Cryptographic protocols for cloud security
    Cryptography for and in the cloud
    Data management applications and services
    Distributed Cloud Infrastructure
    Edge Computing infrastructure
    Energy efficiency
    Energy harvesting, storage, and recycling
    Energy-aware computing and communications
    Energy-aware resource allocation and scheduling mechanisms
    Energy-efficient data center and cloud technologies
    Energy-efficient networking and computing infrastructures
    Fault-tolerance and availability of cloud services and applications
    Fog Computing Systems
    Green computing models, simulations, designs, and paradigms
    Green data centers
    Green materials and devices designs
    Hypervisor security
    Identity management and security as a service
    Incident Response in the Cloud
    Intercloud architecture models
    Legal issues in the Cloud
    Life-cycle analysis of computing equipment
    Modeling and performance evaluation
    Networking technologies
    New standards, guidelines, best practices for security and privacy in the Cloud
    Operational, economic & business models
    Prevention of data loss or leakage
    Programming models & systems or tools
    Real Time Cloud
    Reliability, Fault Tolerance, Quality-of-Service
    Resilience, fault tolerance and disaster recovery
    Resource monitoring
    Resource provisioning, monitoring, management & maintenance
    Scalability and performance
    Secure Identity Access Management
    Secure, interoperable identity management
    Security for emerging cloud programming models
    Security risk models for cloud computing
    Security, integrity and privacy for Cloud Computing
    Service Level Agreements and Performance Measurement
    Trust and credential management
    Trust and policy management in the Cloud
    Trusted computing
    Usable security
    Usage of renewable energy for green ICT operation
    Utility Computing (UC)
    Virtual desktops

Track 2 - Artificial Intelligence

    Artificial immune systems
    Artificial Intelligence in modelling and simulation
    Artificial Intelligence in scheduling and optimization
    Artificial life
    Bioinformatics and computational biology
    Brain-machine interfaces
    Cognitive systems and applications
    Collective intelligence
    Computational and Artificial Intelligence
    Computer vision
    Data Analytics
    Data Management
    Data mining
    Differential Evolution
    Evolutionary data mining
    Evolutionary design
    Evolutionary scheduling
    Expert systems
    Fuzzy Computing with Words
    Fuzzy control and intelligent systems
    Fuzzy decision making and decision support systems
    Fuzzy logic and fuzzy set theory
    Fuzzy optimization and design
    Fuzzy pattern recognition
    Fuzzy systems for robotics
    Game theory
    Hardware Implementations
    Human–computer interaction
    Intelligent database systems
    Knowledge engineering
    Knowledge Management
    Machine learning
    Mining Data, Text, and the Web
    Mobile Computing
    Modeling and identification
    Molecular and quantum computing
    Multi-agent systems
    Natural language processing
    Neural Network Theory and Architectures
    Particle swarm optimization
    Robotics and related fields
    Rough sets and rough data analysis
    Speech understanding
    Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
    Type-2 fuzzy logic
    Various Applications
    Web intelligence

Track 3 - Big Data

    Algorithms and Programming Techniques for Big Data Processing
    Algorithms and Systems for Big Data Search
    Big Data Analytics and Metrics
    Big Data Applications such as Healthcare and Transportation
    Big Data as a Service
    Big Data for Enterprise, Government, and Society
    Big Data for Improving Resilient Infrastructures
    Big Data for Science and Engineering Research
    Big Data in Mobile and Pervasive Computing
    Big Data Information Security
    Big Data Open Platforms
    Big Data Persistence and Preservation
    Big Data Quality and Provenance Control
    Big data storage
    Big Data Storage and Retrieval
    Big Data System Security and Integrity
    Cloud Computing Techniques for Big Data
    Distributed, and Peer-to-peer Search
    Foundational Models for Big Data
    Machine learning based on Big Data
    MapReduce  for big data processing
    Privacy Preserving Big Data Analytics
    Usable Security and Privacy for Big Data
    Visualization Analytics for Big Data

Track 4 - High Performance Computing

    Accelerators Programming
    Agent and Multi Agent Based Applications
    Applied Modeling and Simulation using HPC
    Architectures for High Performance
    Bioinformatics and Biocomputing
    Broadband and High Performance Networks
    Brokering Middleware
    Cluster and Grid Computing
    Combinational Optimization Algorithms
    Computer Supported Decision Making using HPC
    Cooperative Information Systems and Applications
    Databases, Repositories and Their Applications
    Distributed Objects and Remote Invocation
    Distributed Shared Memory
    Embedded and Application-Specific Architectures
    Energy/Power Aware HPC Architectures and Green Computing
    Fault Tolerance and Resilience in HPC Systems
    Fine-Grain Parallelism and Architectures
    General-Purpose computation on Graphics Processing Units
    Granular Computing and its Applications
    High Performance Interconnection Networks
    High Performance Internet and Web Computing
    High Performance Knowledge Based Systems
    HPC and Education
    HPC Architectures for Mobility
    HPC in Digital Signal and Image Processing and Vision
    HPC Monitoring & Instrumentation
    HPC Security, Authentication, Access Control
    Industrial and Manufacturing Applications
    Instruction-, Thread- and Memory-Level Parallelism
    Large Scale Scientific Computing
    Large Scale Systems for Computational Sciences
    Libraries and Programming Environments
    Load Balancing and Sharing for HPC
    Message Passing
    Modeling and Simulation using HPC Systems
    Modeling, Simulation and Evaluation Techniques of HPC Systems
    Multi-Core Architectures and Support
    Mutual Exclusion, Deadlock Detection
    Network and Security Processors
    Network and Systems Protocols
    Network Flow and Congestion
    Neural, Fuzzy, and Rough Sets in HPC
    Object-Oriented Programming & Design
    Open CL Platforms and Developments
    Operating Systems and Support
    Partitioning, Mapping and Scheduling algorithms
    Peer-to-Peer Architectures and Networks
    Pervasive High Performance Computing
    Programming Languages
    Real-time and embedded P & D Applications
    Reconfigurable Computing & FPGA Based Architectures
    Reliable Parallel, and Distributed Algorithms
    Resource Allocation, Sharing and Management
    Robotics Systems
    Routing, Synchronization, Consistency
    Scalable Computing
    Sensors and High Performance Networks
    Service Oriented Applications
    Transaction and Concurrency Control
    Ubiquitous & Pervasive Computing
    Virtualization and Virtual Machines
    Web Ontologies and Semantic

Track 5 - Iot and Mobile Computing

    Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in the IoT
    Green mobile computing
    Interacting with the IoT
    IoT architectures and models
    IoT Communication Technologies
    IoT Edge and Cloud Architectures  
    IOT Solution Reference Architectures and Instances
    IOT Standards and Application Scenarios
    IOT-based Auto Driving
    IOT-based Business Process Management
    IOT-based Enterprise Management
    IOT-based Intelligent Manufacturing
    IOT-based Robots
    IOT-based Smart City Solutions
    IOT-based Smart Education Systems
    IOT-based Smart Home
    Mobile architectures and models
    Mobile networks and applications
    Mobility-aware networking protocols
    Multimedia applications in mobile environments
    Next Generation Infrastructure for IOT
    Open Platforms for IOT
    Other IOT-based Vertical Industry Solutions
    Real-world Applications, Deployments and Testbeds
    Resource management in mobile environments
    Security, Privacy and Trust in the IoT
    Security, Privacy, and Trust in IOT
    Sensing, Signal Processing, Actuation and Analytics
    Social Adoption of IoT Systems
    Societal impact of the IoT
    Web services and Web of Things
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-05-21
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