Conference Information
CHASE' 2022: International Conference on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering
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Call For Papers
Human beings are variously active, aloof, balanced, baffled, clever, complex, daring, defensive, ecstatic, embarrassed, fascinated, fatigued, gifted, green, handy, horrified, idealistic, idealizing, jargoning, jaded, keen, Kantian, likable, laborious, masterful, muttering, neat, neglecting, observant, offendable, paramount, pale, quick, quiet, rational, relieved, scant, scentful, talented, taciturn, unafraid, ubiquitous, vigorous, vague, wary, whimsical, x-ray-y, xenophilic, yodeling, yonder, zealous, and zigzagging. And they cooperate for developing software. At CHASE, researchers believe software engineering can learn a lot from investigating how those humans do this or might do this. We find out what they do and what might help them to do it better.

Topics can be anything human-related in software engineering, such as:

    Social, emotional, and cognitive aspects of software development, whether at the levels of individual, pair, group, team, organization, or community.
    Roles, practices, conventions, patterns of behavior, whether in technical or non-technical activities and whether in generic or specialized domains.
    Issues of leadership, self-organization, cooperation, management, socio-technical (in)congruence, stakeholder groups, participation.
    The role of tools, whether existing, prototypical, or simulated.
    Meta-research about any of these.

CHASE welcomes research using any research method that is appropriate for the purpose, if it is focused on learning about cooperative and human aspects of software engineering. The research should predominantly study humans, not technology.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2022-01-28
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