Conference Information
IPIN 2019: Internation Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation
Submission Date:
2019-05-26 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Pisa, Italy
Viewed: 12682   Tracked: 3   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
IPIN solicits submission of high quality technical papers reporting original work not previously published, nor currently submitted for consideration elsewhere. Papers are submitted as one of two types:

    Regular paper: limited to 8 IEEE format pages, for oral presentation
    Work-in-Progress (WiP) paper: from 5 to 8 LNCS format pages, for poster or oral presentation

Manuscripts are submitted according to the instructions for authors. Papers undergo peer reviewing and, once accepted, are included in the conference proceedings by submitting WiP papers to CEUR-WS and regular papers to IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Best papers are awarded during the conference.

Topics of interest include:

    User requirements
    UI, indoor maps and 3D building models
    Human motion monitoring and modelling
    Robotics and UAV
    Indoor navigation and tracking methods
        AoA, TOF, TDOA based localisation
        RSSI and magnetic fingerprinting
        PDR, IMU and hybrid systems
        UWB, ultrasound, optical systems
        RFID, radar, device-free systems
        Mapping, SLAM
        Frameworks for hybrid positioning
        Cooperative, machine learning systems
    Seamless systems
        HS-GNSS, indoor GNSS, pseudolites
        RTK GNSS with handheld devices
        Mitigating GNSS error switching to indoor
        Industrial metrology & geodetic systems, iGPS
    Self-contained sensors
    Wearable and multi-sensor systems
    Privacy and security for ILS
    Location-based services and applications
    Health and wellness applications
    Benchmarking, assessment, evaluation, standards

The sixth IPIN Competition will take place the days before the conference, in the Pisa CNR Area, following the traditional format with both on-site and off-site tracks.

The conference includes keynotes, tutorials and industry exhibitions.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-05-09
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