Conference Information
SDS 2024: International Conference on Software Defined Systems
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Gran Canaria, Spain
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Call For Papers
The International Conference on Software Defined Systems (SDS-2024) invites researchers, practitioners, and industry experts to submit their innovative research contributions and practical experiences in the rapidly evolving field of software-defined systems and the broader concept of softwarization. As we transition towards more dynamic and flexible IT infrastructures, softwarization—the process of shifting traditional hardware functionalities into software—plays a critical role in enabling unprecedented levels of efficiency, scalability, and automation. SDS-2024 aims to be a premier platform for the exchange of ideas and advancements in software-defined systems and softwarization, covering a wide range of topics from foundational theories to practical implementations. The conference will explore the latest trends and challenges in software-defined networking (SDN), software-defined storage (SDS), software-defined data centers (SDDC), and beyond. It will also address the integration of these systems with emerging technologies such as edge computing, cloud computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT). We encourage submissions that present original research, case studies, best practices, and future directions in the following areas, but not limited to :

- Software-defined networking (SDN) architectures and protocols
- Software-defined storage (SDS) solutions and innovations
- Software-defined data centers (SDDC) design and management
- Automation and orchestration in software-defined environments
- Security and privacy in software-defined systems
- Performance optimization and monitoring in software-defined infrastructures
- Integration of software-defined systems with cloud and edge computing
- Applications of AI and machine learning in software-defined systems
- Real-world case studies and industrial applications
- Policy-based management and orchestration in software-defined environments
- Challenges and solutions in deploying software-defined systems at scale
- Network function virtualization (NFV) and its applications
- Software-defined IoT architectures and applications
- Emerging trends and future directions in software-defined systems
- Standardization and interoperability in software-defined ecosystems
- Softwarization of network functions and its impact on IT infrastructures
- The role of softwarization in enhancing agility and flexibility of services
- Softwarization strategies for legacy system transformation
- Impact of softwarization on business models and service delivery
- Big data analytics in software-defined environments
- Edge and fog computing in software-defined systems
- Digital twins and virtualized environments
- Software-defined security solutions and frameworks
- Business intelligence and decision-making in software-defined ecosystems
- Semantics and knowledge graphs in software-defined systems
- Cross-layer design and optimization in software-defined networks
- Cloud-native architectures and microservices
- Green and sustainable computing in software-defined environments

SDS-2024 provides a unique opportunity to network with peers, share knowledge, and collaborate on advancing the state-of-the-art in software-defined systems and softwarization. We welcome submissions from academia, industry, and government that contribute to the conference's goal of fostering innovation and excellence in this critical field. Join us at SDS-2024 to be part of the conversation that is shaping the future of software-defined systems and driving the next generation of IT infrastructure through softwarization.

other topics inlude

* Software Defined Systems support for Cloud Computing .
* Software Defined Networking (SDN).
* SDN concepts, architecture, and APIs.
* Network Virtualization
* SDN and OpenFlow protocol
* Software Defined Radio
* Cognitive Radio Networks .
* Access Control models in SDN.
* Software Defined Storage.
* Software Defined Real Time Functions for Automation.
* Storage Automation and Abstraction.
* Policy-driven storage provisioning.
* Software Defined Servers and Virtualization.
* Software Defined Datacenters.
* Software Defined Security o Security policies automation.
* Self-management systems.
* Autonomic Computing techniques.
* Real-time load prediction model to optimize the user satisfaction.
* Software Defined Systems Scalability.
* Software Defined Systems optimization.
* Software tools and frameworks to support SDS .
* Software Defined Systems challenges and opportunities
* Software Defined Systems surveys .
* Social engineering, insider threats system for SDS.
* Incident Handling and Penetration Testing with SDS.
* Software Defined Systems support if IoT.
* Security protocols in SDS.
* Security and privacy of mobile SDS based cloud computing
* Service-oriented architectures, service portability andP2P
* Network virtualization and cloud-based radio access networks
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-07
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