Conference Information
CAD 2015: International CAD Conference and Exhibition
Submission Date:
2014-12-31 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
London, UK
Viewed: 15090   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Conference Topics

Emerging CAD Topics

Bio-CAD, soft-CAD and CAD/CAM at the nanoscale
Biologically inspired design and system development
Knowledge engineering, design intent, intelligent CAD
PLM, PDM and CAD data mining
CAD in the garment and fashion industries
CAD in the arts and creative media
Evolutionary and genetic algorithms in CAD
CAD and the Internet, web enabled design, virtual engineering
Digital/virtual prototyping, object archival and retrieval
Design theory, the theoretical foundations of CAD
CAD education, curriculum design, e/m/u-learning
CAD engines, hardware acceleration to speed up CAD processes
Human factors in CAD, humanizing engineering design
CAD in the arts, sketch-based design

Traditional CAD Topics

Geometric, solid and heterogeneous modeling
CAD data bases, data exchange and standards
Virtual and augmented reality in CAD
Applications of computational geometry
Collaborative, conceptual and feature based design
Numerical control, machining theory and practice
Design computing, AI in design
Geometric and engineering tolerances
Meshes, FEA and discretization issues
Reverse engineering, rapid prototyping
Process planning and assembly design
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2014-12-20
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