Journal Information
Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation Factor: |
3.500 |
Publisher: |
University of Surrey |
1460-7425 |
Viewed: |
8367 |
Tracked: |
0 |
Call For Papers
The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation is an interdisciplinary journal for the exploration and understanding of social processes by means of computer simulation. Since its first issue in 1998, it has been a world-wide leading reference for readers interested in social simulation and the application of computer simulation in the social sciences. Original research papers and critical reviews on all aspects of social simulation and agent societies that fall within the journal's objective to further the exploration and understanding of social processes by means of computer simulation are welcome. Owned by the European Social Simulation Association, the journal is published quarterly at the end of January, March, June and October on the World Wide Web with free access at the address: The online nature of the journal guarantees a large audience and the inclusion of multi-media content, such as animations, coloured charts and an article toolbox, enrich the readability and the usability of the papers. The journal collects readership statistics. The journal includes research articles and book reviews. All articles are subject to rigorous peer review. The book reviews section aims to keep the reader up-to-date about new titles in the field and to review any book that covers issues relevant for social simulation (for detail, contact the book review editor). The journal occasionally publishes the proceedings of workshops and conferences on focused topics in a 'special section'. Generally, the reviewing and editing of the special sections are undertaken by workshop or conference organisers in conjunction with the journal editor (for details see here). The journal requires authors to include sufficient information to enable readers to replicate reported simulation experiments and expects that authors take full advantage of the on-line multimedia possibilities allowed by the journal (for details see here). The audience of the journal is international and inter-disciplinary in scope. It includes researchers, academicians, students, professionals, policy makers, and software developers.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-25
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