Conference Information
ITiCSE 2025: International Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education
Submission Date:
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Nijmegen, Netherlands
CORE: a   QUALIS: b1   Viewed: 19356   Tracked: 2   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Submissions may describe an educational research project, classroom experience, teaching technique, curricular initiative, or a tool used for computing education or computing education research.

Within the domain of computing education, submissions will cover specific educational subject matter, including but not limited to:

    pedagogies for enhancing learning in computing subject areas, such as programming, database systems, physical computing, or computer security;
    leveraging data and analytics to improve learning;
    use of technologies with specific application to computing education;
    approaches to peer learning and novel educational methods;
    social and global challenges in computing education;
    broadening participation and diversity;
    developing, implementing, or evaluating computing programs, curricula, and courses;
    approaches to group work or class infrastructure;
    teacher skills, teacher education, and teacher professional development.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-11-24
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