Conference Information
DRCN 2023: International Conference on Design of Reliable Communication Networks
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Vilanova, Spain
QUALIS: b2   Viewed: 16612   Tracked: 2   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The International Conference on the Design of Reliable Communication Networks (DRCN) has been held for more than 20 years, to address topics related to the reliability and availability of communication networks, and has grown to become the meeting place where researchers from both industry and academia get together to advance the state-of-the-art in the field. The DRCN conferences have always been a multidisciplinary forum bringing together scientists from diverse fields including engineering of survivable equipment and network technologies, network management and monitoring, and data analytics for fault diagnosis. The 19th edition of the conference will be held in Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain, from April 17-20, 2023. We are pleased to invite you to contribute in DRCN 2023 and we encourage you submitting novel and high-quality work to the conference.

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

    Resilience in 5G/6G networks and services
    Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communications (URLLC)
    Deterministic and time sensitive networking
    Design of resilient and reliable IoT systems
    Reliable SASE architectures
    Resilience in Software-Defined Networking (SDN)
    Secure and reliable quantum communications
    Resilience in extraterrestrial communication networks
    High-availability for Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) infrastructures
    Network dependability in cloud computing
    Dependability and reliability of wireless/cellular/mobile networks
    Resilience in FSO/VLC communications
    Survivability and traffic engineering for optical, IP and multi-layer networks
    Robustness of multi-domain networks
    Survivability in grid, high performance and distributed computing
    Reliability and resiliency of data center networks
    Recovery of overlay and peer-to-peer networks
    Risk and reliability in the Internet and enterprise networks
    Communication reliability for smart systems (cities, transport, logistics, etc.).
    Methods for survivable network and systems design, analysis and operation
    Planning and optimization of reliable networks, systems, and services
    Network reliability analysis and modelling
    Reliability and robustness of networks optimized and managed based on AI/ML techniques
    Data analytics and machine learning algorithms for fault diagnosis
    Coding techniques to improve resilience in communications
    Service differentiation based on recovery methods
    Simulation techniques and tools for network resilience
    Quality of Experience (QoE) and network service availability assessments
    Reliability requirements and metrics for users, businesses, and the society
    Robustness of compound services
    Resilience of networked critical infrastructures
    Integration of satellite services for critical applications
    Resilience towards business continuity management
    Network robustness in response to natural and man-made disasters
    Network security issues in the context of reliability and survivability
    Network dependability and energy consumption trade-offs
    Network resilience combined with pricing and economics
    Standardization of network resilience and reliability
    Public policy for survivability and resilience
    Design and test of reliable operational technology (OT) networks
    Network reconfiguration and reinforcement for reliability
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2022-09-25
Acceptance Ratio
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