Conference Information
AITA 2017: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Techniques and Applications
Submission Date:
2017-09-05 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Shenzhen, China
Viewed: 13260   Tracked: 14   Attend: 6

Call For Papers
Welcome to AITA2017
Welcome to the official website of 2017 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Techniques and Applications (AITA2017). This conference will be held from September 17-18, 2017 in Shenzhen, China.
AITA2017 will continue to serve people as one of the most important international activities in Artificial Intelligence: Techniques and Applications fields. It will provide a high qualified forum for its participants to access the most knowledge in related fields. AITA2017 has received support from world-famous scientists and scholars, and it will provide a perfect opportunity for you to present your research and meet other scholars.

Paper Submission
Please send your Paper(s) and Submission Form to: or
The email subject should be named "Submission".

All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings of AITA2017. The proceedings will be published on the Journal of DEStech Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering (ISSN: 2475-8841), ISBN and DOI, and will be submited for indexing in EI Compendex, Thomson Reuters Web of Science CPCI-S (ISTP indexing) and CNKI Scholar for worldwide online citation.
Excellent papers will be selected and published on SCI and EI journals. 

The AITA History
The first AITA was held in Shanghai, China, from 25 to 26 September 2016. AITA2016 has been officially published on DEStech Publications and has been successfully retrieved by CPCI-S (ISTP indexing).

Authors are invited to submit a full paper, and papers should be write in English. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Topic 1: Artificial Intelligence and Applications
AI and the web
Cognitive systems
Computational sustainability and AI
Game playing and interactive entertainment
Heuristic search
Human-computer collaboration
Knowledge representation and reasoning
Machine learning
Multi-agent systems
Natural-language processing
Planning and scheduling
Reasoning under uncertainty
Robotics and vision
Computational intelligence
Intelligent data management
Genetic algorithms
Computer vision and pattern recognition
Interactive computational models
Information retrieval
Machine learning
Hybrid methods
Grid computing
Natural language processing
Biomedical data analysis
Brain informatics

Topic 2: Software Process
Web engineering software engineering practice
Web engineering
Quality management
Management software project
Advanced topics in software project
Multimedia software engineering and vision
Software maintenance and testing
Language and formal methods
Web-based education systems and learning applications
Software engineering decisions
Knowledge-based systems and formal methods
Search engines and information retrieval

Topic 3: Communication Systems
Theory and information theory
Antenna and propagation
Microwave theory and technology
Modulation, coding and channel analysis
Optics and optoelectronics
Secure communication
Video and broadcast
Wireless and satellite communications
Communication software and services
Wireless communication and network
Optical communication and network
Signal processing communication
Computer and information technology
Wireless / Mobile Communications and Technology
Computer Architecture
Computational biology and bioinformatics
Knowledge and data engineering
Learning technology
Multimedia services and technology
Mobile computer processing technology
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
Visualization and computer graphics
Parallel / distributed computing and grid computing
Network design, network protocol and network management

Topic 4: Network and Information Security
Network security
Cryptography and information security
Mobile and wireless security
Information hiding and digital watermarking
The disaster recovery
Intelligent network
Optical fiber network and system
The next generation network
In particular, sensor and mesh network
Network architecture
The Internet of things
Cognitive radio network

Topic 5: Based on the Knowledge of the System
Mechanical and electrical integration
Multimedia and cognitive information
The neural network
Parallel processing
Pattern recognition
Pervasive computing environment
A programming language
Reasoning and evolution
The latest trends and development
The robot
Semantic Web technologies and techniques

Topic 6: Signal Processing
Information management and integration
Real - time signal processing and application
DSP applications
Image transmission and processing
Optical fiber sensing and weak signal detection
Special Signal Processing in Power System

Other related topics
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-08-20
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