Conference Information
ECCB 2017: European Conference on Computational Biology
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Prague, Czech Republic
CORE: b   QUALIS: b1   Viewed: 16687   Tracked: 5   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
As always ISMB/ECCB 2017 will provide an intense multidisciplinary forum for disseminating the latest developments in bioinformatics/computational biology, fostering fresh dialogues and perspectives to learn about and shape the future of the field. In response to the increasing interest in the activities of the ISCB’s Communities of Special Interest (COSIs) who have previously organized the Special Interest Group (SIG) meetings at ISMB, ISMB/ECCB 2017 will be organized with the active participation of the COSIs. ISMB/ECCB 2017 will be more streamlined and will have an outstanding scientifically effective program.

The new conference format will retain the key features that make ISMB a successful open conference, including proceedings talks and presentations that include highlights (previously published research) and late-breaking research, outstanding keynote lectures, technical tracks and industry sessions. In addition, equal opportunities activities, a students’ council day, tutorials and other activities will take place. The new structure is intended to bring a new energy and flow to the conference by centering it thematically around the vibrant ISCB COSI communities. Further, with the COSIs more central to the conference, networking within and between the scientific communities will be greatly enhanced. Each year, including 2017, conference program chairs will encourage the emergence of new scientific themes through special sessions for emerging communities.

ISMB-ECCB 2017 will enable intensified community involvement and bolster its reputation as the leading conference in the field, with the strongest scientific and technical program that showcases the best international developments in bioinformatics and computational biology. 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-01-04
Acceptance Ratio
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