Conference Information
3DTV 2015: 3DTV Conference
Submission Date:
2015-04-10 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Lisbon, Portugal
Viewed: 12041   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Capturing 3D scenery, processing the captured data for storage and transmission, and displaying the result for creating 3D visual sensation are the main functional components of a 3DTV system. The development of each of them is a challenging task and their seamless integration is even more challenging as the ultimate goal is to deliver full-scale, very realistic, immersive and interactive 3D TV service to the consumers.

3DTV-CON 2015 is the 9th in a series of successful conferences having the objective to bring together researchers and developers from academia and industry with diverse experience and activity in distinct, yet complementary, areas to discuss the development of next generation 3D visual technologies, applications and services.

The conference involves a wide range of disciplines: imaging and computer graphics, signal processing, telecommunications, electronics, optics and physics. Professionals from these areas are cordially invited to participate at 3DTV-CON 2015. The conference will consist of tutorials, plenary talks, and special and regular sessions on the conference themes as listed below.

    3D Scene Capture, Representation and Processing: 3D audio-visual scene capture and reconstruction techniques for static and dynamic scenes using heterogeneous inputs, synchronization and calibration of multiple cameras, light field and plenoptic imaging, holographic camera techniques, multi-view and multi-sensor image and 3D data processing, mixing of virtual and real worlds, 3D tracking and geo-referencing.

    3D Coding and Transmission: Systems, architectures and transmission technologies for 3DTV, coding of multi-view video, 3D meshes, light field and hologram data; spatial audio coding and processing; error resilience and error concealment of 3D video and 3D geometry; signal processing for light field and holographic data.

    3D Visualization: Projection and display technology for representation recreation of 3D visual scenes, stereoscopic and auto-stereoscopic display techniques, light field display technologies, holographic display technologies, reduced and full parallax systems, computational displays, integral imaging techniques, optics and VLSI technology, 3D mesh, texture, point, and volume-based representations, object-based representation and segmentation, 3D motion analysis and animation, eye-tracking.

    3D Quality of Experience: Subjective quality evaluation, objective quality metrics, multimodal experience, interaction with 3D content, visual attention, emotional effects.

    3D Applications: 3D television, cinema, games and entertainment, serious games, virtual studios, advanced 3D audio applications, 3D tele-immersion and remote collaboration, 3D imaging in virtual heritage and virtual archaeology, augmented reality and virtual environments, underlying technologies for 3DTV, medical and biomedical applications, 3D content-based retrieval and recognition, 3D watermarking, other applications.

Paper Submission:

Prospective authors are invited to submit original papers, four-pages long, in double-column format including authors’ names, affiliations, and short abstract. Papers will be collected only by electronic submission through the conference site. As with the previous editions of the 3DTV Conference, the papers presented at the conference will be submitted to IEEEXplore Digital Library.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2015-03-29
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