Conference Information
PACRIM 2024: IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing
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Victoria, Canada
Viewed: 3314   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Established in 1987, Pacific Rim Conference is the premier IEEE biennial event in the Pacific Northwest. It is our pleasure to invite you to participate in the first post-pandemic version of this event by submitting papers to the Communication, Computer, or Signal Processing tracks, or by organizing a special session. All accepted papers will appear in IEEE Xplore.

The topics of interest to PACRIM’24 encompass, but are not limited to, the following:

Co-chairs: Julian Cheng, University of British Columbia, Okanagan; Muhammad Hanif, Thompson Rivers University

    Communication Theory
    Wireless Communications and Networking
    Channel Measurement & Modeling
    OFDM/Multicarrier Systems
    Distributive/Cell-Free Massive MIMO
    Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
    Resource & Mobility Management
    Network Architecture & Protocols
    IoT and Machine-Type Communications
    Machine Learning for Communications
    Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Communications
    Optical Communications
    Satellite and Space Communications
    Green Communications
    Cognitive Radio and Networks
    Communication & Networking Testbeds
    Security and Cryptography

Co-chairs: Jianping Pan, University of Victoria; Zhengman Fang, Simon Fraser University

    Computer Architecture
    Application/Domain-Specific Hardware Acceleration
    Embedded, Reconfigurable, Power-Aware Systems
    Memory-Centric Architecture and Systems
    Parallel and Distributed Computing
    Grid and Cloud Computing
    Data Mining and Knowledge Based Systems
    Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms
    Big Data Analytics
    High-Performance Computing
    Runtime Systems and Virtualization
    Programming, Compilation, and Automation Support
    Cyber Security and Privacy
    Multi-core Processors and Applications

Signal Processing
Co-chairs: Michael McGuire, University of Victoria; Xingyu Li, University of Alberta

    Signal Processing Theory and Methods
    Signal Processing for Medical and Biological Applications
    Signal Processing for Communications
    Machine Learning for Signal Processing
    Signal Processing for UAV Systems and IoT
    Graph Signal Processing and Applications
    Tensor Methods and Applications
    Video and Image Processing
    Speech and Audio Processing
    Multimedia Signal Processing
    Underwater Platforms and Sensors
    Array Signal Processing
    Sparse Signal Processing
    Information Forensics
    Computer Vision
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-12-02
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