Conference Information
AIoTSys 2024: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence of Things and Systems
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Hangzhou, China
Viewed: 6027   Tracked: 2   Attend: 3

Call For Papers
 With the rapid development and accelerated integration of Internet of Things, big data and artificial intelligence technologies, AI in IoT (AIoT, Artificial Intelligence of Things) has become an emerging frontier field with great development prospects, which continues to integrate, expand and deepen in various economic and social fields, driving forward traditional industries evolution and upgrading to a new round of intelligence after digitization and interconnection.

The 2024 International conference on Artificial Intelligence of Things and Systems (AIoTSys) is an event focused on the artificial intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT) intersection. The conference brings together researchers, industry professionals, and practitioners worldwide to share their latest findings, insights, and innovations. The AIoTSys 2024 will include a highly selective program of technical papers accompanied by special issues, panel discussions, and keynote speeches. We welcome high-quality articles that describe original research advancing state of art in ubiquitous intelligence and computing.


Topics for submissions include but are not limited to the following:

    Networked system hardware and platforms
    Ubiquitous connectivity communication paradigms
    Low-power wireless protocols and designs
    Operating systems and network stacks
    System services such as time and location estimation
    Energy harvesting and management
    Resource-efficient machine learning for AIoT platforms
    Mobile and pervasive systems with networked sensing
    Data management and analytics
    Perception, understanding, and adaptation learning algorithms
    Heterogeneous collaborative sensing
    Security and privacy in networked AIoT systems
    Fault-tolerance and dependability
    Deployment experiences
    Data management for AIoT applications
    Resource-efficient machine learning and AI for AIoT devices
    Security and privacy in AIoT systems
    Novel AIoT applications using machine learning
    Techniques and systems for novel human-machine interactions and experiences
    Infrastructure support for AIoT computing
    Software architectures for AIoT devices and computing
    Operating systems for AIoT devices
    System-level energy management for AIoT devices

Other than the general tracks, AIoTSys 2024 also hosts two special tracks:

    CAA special track, supported by CAA
    SIGBED CHINA special track, supported by SIGBED CHINA
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-03-24
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