Conference Information
ICITL 2020: International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning
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Alto Douro, Portugal
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Call For Papers
Benefited from using a variety of emerging innovative technologies, e-learning environment has become highly diversified along the way. Diversified innovative technologies have fueled the creation of advanced learning environments by adopting appropriate pedagogies. Moreover, those technologies not only facilitate learning but also actively help students reach maximized learning performances. However, due to the rapid evolution of new technologies, how to make use of those technologies by complying with effective pedagogies to create adaptive or smart learning environments has been always on demand. Therefore, this conference intends to provide a platform for those researchers in education, computer science, and educational technology together to share experiences of effectively applying cutting-edge technologies to learning and to further spark brightening prospects. It is hoped that those findings of each work presented in the conference can enlighten relevant researchers or education practitioners to create more effective learning environments. ICITL is now ready to the public for submitting their works.

ICITL ’20, International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning, ICITL is opened to the public for organizing a workshop or track to achieve diversity of the symposium. 


Papers are solicited on all aspects of educational technologies and their applications to learning, including, but not limited to:

    Affective Learning
    Artificial Intelligence to Education
    Augmented and Virtual Reality in Education
    Big Data Analytics in Education
    Collaborative Learning
    Computational Thinking to Pedagogies
    Design and Framework of Learning Systems
    E-books and Applications
    Educational Robot to Learning
    Game-based and Joyful Learning
    Intelligent Tutoring
    Neuroscience and Education
    Open Access to Education and Learning
    Pedagogies to Innovative Technologies
    Personalized and Adaptive Learning
    Tangible Learning
    Technologies Enhanced Language Learning
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-03-30
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