Conference Information
IEEE SSIM 2023: IEEE International Conference on Social Sciences and Intelligence Management
Submission Date:
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Conference Date:
Taichung, Taiwan
Viewed: 3989   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Topics of interest for submission include technological advancements and applications in the following fields, but not limited to:

Technology, Media, and Communications

    Journalism, media, and technology trends as well as predictions
    Social media and communication technology
    Artificial intelligence and its communication application
    Documentary film direction and production
    Advertising, marketing and public relations
    Communication in education

Education and Technologies

    Artificial intelligence and school management
    Computer based teaching and learning
    Online learning
    Wireless, mobile, multimedia applications used in educational practice
    Case studies of teachers’ practical experience, policy, and systems in the digital era
    Teacher’s education
    Linguistics and literature

Advanced Technologies for Young Children

    Innovative approaches to learning and teaching environments
    Child development and care
    Play in digital age
    Advanced technologies for family and community partnerships
    Case studies of implementation and its issues of advanced technologies
    Frontier technologies

Social Work and Technology

    Intelligent assessment of social work
    Impact of applications, online habits and social media on social problems
    Social and communication networks
    Social work and information technology
    ICT for Social work
    Digital Social work

Others Relevant Topics
    Other related fields
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-09-01
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