Journal Information
Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems
Call For Papers

The journal Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Systems (AIAS) is a new platform for rigorous and fast publications of the latest research findings and industrial applications in the contemporary fields of AI and autonomous systems. AIAS welcomes research articles on the theoretical, computational, cognitive, and empirical aspects of AI, autonomous systems, and their implementations.

The scope and topics of AIAS include but are not limited to:

    Theoretical foundations of AI
    Theoretical foundations of AS
    Autonomous AI
    Brain-inspired systems
    Autonomous medical devices and systems
    Autonomous vehicles
    Autonomous human-machine systems
    Autonomous function and behavior generation
    Interactive intelligent systems
    Autonomous decision making
    Autonomous machine learning theory
    Computer vision
    Autonomous robotics and control
    Language and semantic processing
    Data science
    AI control theory and optimization
    Networked and distributed systems
    AI-based computer security
    High-performance computing driven by AI
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-12-02
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bWorld Wide Web2.700Springer1386-145X
Computing and Informatics Institute of Informatics, Slovakia1335-9150
bACM Transactions on Mathematical Software2.700ACM0098-3500
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