Conference Information
WCICSS 2020: World Congress on Industrial Control Systems Security
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London, UK
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Call For Papers
The World Congress on Industrial Control Systems Security (WCICSS-2020) is a meeting point for professionals and researchers, IT security professionals, managers, developers, educators, vendors and service providers who are involved in development, integration, assessment, implementation, and operation of industrial cybersecurity technologies. The WCICSS is an international refereed conference dedicated to the advancement of the theory and practices of Industrial Controls Security and SCADA. Therefore, the conference will provide opportunities to discuss both the current status and emerging trends in protection of industrial control systems.

The objectives of the WCICSS are to bridge the knowledge gap between academia and industry, promote research esteem in Industrial Control Systems Security and the importance of Intelligent Control Applications.

The WCICSS-2020 invites research papers that encompass conceptual analysis, design implementation and performance evaluation.

The topics in WCICSS-2020 include but are not confined to the following areas:
Advanced Applications
Intelligent Control Theory and Applications
High Assurance Security Controls
Networked Control Systems
Data Automation
Control Theory and Engineering
Network Segmentation and Reliability
Network and Perimeter Security
Fault Diagnosis and Safe Operation
Robust Adaptive Control and SCADA
Research in Progress
Engineering Optimization
Defensive Architectures for Cybersecurity of Safety Systems
Nuclear Chain Reactions
Nuclear Technology and Applications
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-04-01
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