Conference Information
A-SSCC 2022: Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference
Submission Date:
2022-06-20 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Taipei, Taiwan
Viewed: 4493   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Prospective authors are invited to submit two-page manuscripts, including figures, tables and references, to the official A-SSCC 2022 website. The two-page submission could include one-page additional supplements with figures and figure captions. Supplementary figures should not be referred to in the text of the paper. For further details, see the A-SSCC Website. Papers are solicited in the following categories:

Regular Session

    Analog Circuits & Systems: Amplifiers, comparators, switched capacitor circuits, continuous-time & discrete-time filters, voltage/current references; DC-DC converters, power-control circuits; IF/baseband analog circuits, AGC/VGA; non-linear analog circuits.
    Data Converters: Nyquist-rate and oversampling A/D, D/A converters, time-to-digital converters, and capacitance-to-digital converters; sub-circuits for data converters including sample-and-hold circuits, calibration circuits, etc.
    Digital Circuits & Systems: Design, fabrication, and test of digital VLSI systems; high-speed low-power digital circuits, power-reduction and management methods for digital VLSI, ultra-low-voltage and sub-threshold logic design; leakage reduction techniques; clock distribution, I/O circuits, reconfigurable logic-array circuits; supply/substrate noise measurement and cancellation for digital VLSI, variation and fault-tolerant circuits.
    SoC & Signal Processing Systems: System-on-chip (including 3D integration), microprocessors, network processors, baseband communication processing system & architectures, system-level power management; multimedia and recognition processing systems; cryptographic, security, machine learning, deep-learning, and neuromorphic circuits and systems; bio-medical/neural-network processors and sensor network systems.
    Wireless: Receivers/transmitters/transceivers for wireless systems; narrowband RF, ultra-wideband and millimeter-wave circuits; circuits and building-blocks including RF front-end, LNA, mixer, power amplifiers, VCOs, frequency synthesizers, RF filters, RF switches, power detectors, active antennas.
    Wireline: Receivers/transmitters/transceivers for wireline systems; optical/electrical data links and backplane transceivers; power-line communication; clock generation circuits, PLL, DLL, spread-spectrum clock generation; building blocks for high-speed wireline communication; analog-digital mixed-mode circuits.
    Emerging Technologies and Applications: Advanced system designs and circuit solutions for technologies and applications including state-of-the-art devices and packaging technologies; flexible and printable electronics; silicon photonics; smart sensors and transducers; MEMS for analog, RF, and sensor applications; image sensors and displays; energy harvesting systems; transceiver systems; medical/bio-electronics/bio-inspired chip design, artificial intelligent system, and cryogenic circuits and systems.
    Memory: Volatile and Non-volatile memory; new memory designs for 3D/2D architectures, emerging devices such as resistive-/phase change-/magnetic- /ferro-electric- memory devices; data storage and multi-bit-cell memory design; cache-memory system, multi-port memory, memory subsystem, processing in memory, and CAM design; yield-enhancing and ECC techniques; memory testing and built-in self-test.
    FPGA: Novel algorithm and/or architecture for integrated circuits validated by FPGA implementation. The authors of accepted papers are required to participate in demo sessions.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2022-06-19
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