Conference Information
IDC'' 2022: International Conference on Intelligent Dynamics and Control Technology
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Guilin, China
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Call For Papers
The International Conference on Intelligent Dynamics Control (IDC 2022)  will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from around the world.

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

1. Dynamic modeling technology of robot based on

1) Intelligent dynamic modeling and analysis
2) Unmanned vehicle technology
3) UAV technology

 2. Dynamic control technology

1) Dynamic control methods based on model and non-model.
2) Optimal control of robot.
3) Dynamic analysis of robot
4) Dynamic stability of robot
5) Adaptive control of robot.
6) Variable structure control of robot.
7) Force mixing control

 3. Intelligent control technology

1) Image recognition processing technology.
2) Strengthen learning techniques.
3) Neural network technology
4) Natural language processing technology.
5) Speech processing technology.
6)Formal method technology
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2022-02-28
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