Conference Information
EC 2025: ACM Conference on Economics and Computation
Submission Date:
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Conference Date:
Stanford, California, USA
CORE: a*   QUALIS: a1   Viewed: 20904   Tracked: 7   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Tracks. Each submission must select one of four tracks that differ along methodological dimensions. The reviewing process of each track will be overseen by the corresponding Track Chair(s), who are primarily responsible for ensuring that consistent reviewing standards are applied to all papers in the same track. Authors should consider the description of the tracks to select which track best captures the research community according to whose standards their paper should be evaluated. Authors from any research community are welcome to submit to any of the tracks. EC’25 will use the following four tracks:

    Theory: Typical papers in this track make progress on existing theoretical problems, propose new ones, or introduce significant new techniques that could be applied more broadly. Track chairs: Nima Haghpanah, Annie Liang, Ruta Mehta, Mallesh Pai, Grant Schoenebeck.
    Applied Modeling: Typical papers in this track propose and analyze novel models that capture real-world phenomena or provide fresh perspectives on previously studied applied problems. Track chairs: Nick Arnosti, Eduardo Azevedo, Sigal Oren.
    Empirics: Typical papers in this track draw significant insights from real or synthetic data, through access to new data sources or experiments, or through novel analysis of existing data sources or experiments. Track chairs: Chiara Farronato, Denis Nekipelov.
    AI: Typical papers in this track apply the methods and models of artificial intelligence, including both theoretical and computational approaches, to topics at the intersection of economics and computing. Track chairs: Annie Liang, Grant Schoenebeck, Nisarg Shah.

Areas. Each submission must select at least one content area from the list provided below. Note that the areas are partially overlapping; if in doubt, authors are advised to select those area(s) that best fit their paper. Content areas will be used to match papers with a member of the Senior Program Committee (SPC) who is assigned to at least one of the paper’s areas. SPCs are responsible for shepherding papers through the review process and for making accept/reject recommendations to the Track and Program Chairs.

    Agent-based modeling
    Algorithmic fairness and data privacy
    Auctions and pricing
    Behavioral economics and bounded rationality
    Blockchain and cryptocurrencies
    Contract design
    Crowdsourcing and information elicitation
    Decision theory
    Economic aspects of learning algorithms
    Economic aspects of neural networks and large language models
    Equilibrium analysis, including price of anarchy
    Equilibrium computation and complexity
    Fair division
    Industrial organization
    Information design
    Laboratory and field experiments
    Market design & matching markets
    Market equilibria
    Mechanism design
    Online algorithms
    Online platforms and applications
    Social good and ethics
    Social choice & voting theory
    Social networks and social learning
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-11-24
Acceptance Ratio
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