Conference Information
APICEE 2022: Asia Pacific International Conference on Emerging Engineering
Submission Date:
2022-02-15 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Lahore, Pakistan
Viewed: 4150   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers

    Electrical Engineering
        Electrical Power Engineering
        Communication Engineering
        Electronics Engineering
        Artificial Intelligence/Deep Learning
        Big Data/Internet of Things
        IT, Computational and Avionics
        Emerging Areas/ Smart Grids/Renewable Energy Resources
        Robotics/Control/Embedded Systems
        High Voltage Engineering
        5G and Heterogeneous Networks
    Biomedical Engineering
        Biomedical Signal Processing
        Biomedical Imaging and Image Processing
        Micro/Nano-bioengineering Cellular/Tissue Engineering & Biomaterials
        Computational Systems, Modeling and Simulation in Medicine, Multiscale Modeling & Synthetic Biology
        Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems Engineering
        Neural and Rehabilitation Engineering
        Biomedical Sensors and Wearable Systems
        Biorobotics and Biomechanics
        Therapeutic & Diagnostic Systems and Technologies
        Biomedical & Health Informatics
        Biomedical Engineering Education and Society
        Translational Engineering for Healthcare Innovation and Commercialization
    Mechanical Engineering
        Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics.
        Combustion and Energy Systems.
        Design and Manufacturing.
        Dynamics and Control.
        Materials and Structures.
        Vibrations, Acoustics and Fluid-Structure Interaction.
        Industry 4.0 (IoT,IoP,CPS)
        Power Generation
        3D Printing
    Civil Engineering
        Structural Engineering.
        Construction Management.
        Earthquake Design.
        Earthquake Engineering.
        Transportation Planning.
        Traffic Simulation & Modeling.
        Disaster Management.
        Geo-technical Engineering.
    Computer System Engineering
        Model-driven Development.
        Reverse Engineering and Refactoring.
        Achitecture Software.
        Big Data Management.
        Ambient Intelligence, Pervasive Computing.
        Ubiquitous Computing, Context awareness, Sensor Networks.
        Network Systems and Applications.
        Adaptive, Self-managing and Multi-agent Systems.
        Real-time, Hybrid and Embedded Systems.
        Information Systems and Technology.
        Cyber-physical Systems and Internet of Things (IoT).
        Software and System Engineering/Industrial Case Studies.
    Software Engineering (SE)
        Continuous Software Engineering (e.g., DevOps, agile, etc.)
        Human and Social Aspects of SE.
        Machine learning applied to SE.
        Model-driven SE.
        Search-based SE.
        SE in Emerging Practices.
        Software Maintenance and Evolution.
        Software Quality and Quality Models.
        Software Testing/Software Process.
        Technical Debt Management.
        SE, Safety and Security.
        Software Economics and Metrics.
    Industrial Design and Product Management (IDPM)
        Sustainability and Production Management
        Industrial Design and Automation Development
        Emerging Technologies in Design and Manufacturing
        Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing
        Knowledge Based Production Management
        Factory Planning and Productivity Management
        Techniques of mass production
        Simulation in operations management
        Industrial engineering and management
        Organization and Management/ Human Behaviour
        Entrepreneurial Behaviours/Women Entrepreneurship
        Entrepreneurship, Growth, and Competitiveness
        Innovative Industries/Studies of new businesses
        E-Business and E-government
        Economic growth and macroeconomic management
        Education, universities and life long learning
        Innovation and innovative business models
        IT management/Labor economics and HRM
        Strategic management and monetary policy
        Transparency, ethics in business and policy making
        Business Administration/Business Research Methods
        Behavioral Sciences in Business Management
        Business, Management and Finance

Sub Streams and Tracks

The scope of the conference includes, but is not limited to the following tracks:

    Electrical Power Engineering
    Electronics Engineering
    High Voltage Engineering
    5G and Heterogeneous Networks
    IT, Computational and Avionics
    Communication Engineering
    Emerging Areas/ Smart Grids/Renewable Energy Resources
    Biomedical Engineering
    Robotics/Control/Embedded Systems
    Civil Engineering
    Mechanical Engineering
    Computer System Engineering
    Software Engineering

5G and Heterogeneous Networks:

-. Massive MIMO Systems
-. Radio Resource Management in Small Cell Networks
-. Algorithms for Power Control
-. Context Aware Communication
-. Load Balancing in Heterogeneous Networks
-. Hybrid Optical Wireless Networks
-. Architectures for Cloud Radio Access Systems
-. Beamforming for mmWave Communication
-. Non-orthogonal Multiple Access Systems
-. Coding for Next Generation Wireless Systems

Efficient Spectrum Utilization and Cognitive Radio Networks:

-. Spectrum Sensing
-. Dynamic Spectral Access
-. MIMO Cognitive Radios
-. Channel Models for Efficient Spectrum Management
-. Cross Layer Design Aspects
-. Security and Privacy Issues
-. Usage of TV White Space
-. Compressed Sensing Based Spectral Access
-. Game Theory for Cognitive Radio Networks
-. Economic Aspects of Spectrum Sharing

Communication Systems Security:

-. Physical Layer Security
-. Quantum Cryptography and Communications Applications
-. Security Aspects of Social Networks
-. Security in Wired and Optical Systems
-. Access Control and Authorization
-. Security for Big Data
-. Security Aspects of Location Based Services
-. Cloud and Distributed Applications Security
-. Security for Cyber-Physical Systems
-. Security Issues in Device to Device Communication

Green Communications:

-. Communication Technologies for Energy Efficient Civil Infrastructure
-. Green Mobile Communications
-. Energy Efficient Internet-of-Things
-. Energy Efficient Heterogeneous Networks
-. Energy Cognizant Self-Organized Networks
-. Management of Energy Consumption
-. Smart Cities
-. Smart Sensing
-. Green Cloud Computing
-. Green Sensor Networks

Power System & Power Electronics:

-. Microgrid and Smart grids
-. Power system modeling and simulation,
-. Power system planning and operation
-. Power quality and FACTS Technologies,
-. Energy conversion techniques
-. Modeling, Simulation and Control of power converters,
-. Power converters for Renewable Energy Systems,
-. Power semiconductor switches and soft switching,
-. DC/DC converters
-. AC/AC Converters
-. DC/AC Inverters
-. Power Electronic Devices (Si and Wide band-gap) and Applications
-. Power Electronic Packaging and Integration
-. Modeling, Simulation, and EMI
-. Lighting Technologies and Applications
-. Wireless Power Transfer
-. Uncontrolled Rectifiers and AC/DC Converters
-. Multilevel Power Converters
-. Electric Machines, Actuators, and Sensors
-. Motor Control and Drives
-. Sensorless and Sensor-Reduction Control
-. Renewable Energy and Distributed Generation Systems
-. Smart/Micro Grid
-. DC Distribution
-. Power Quality (or Power Electronics for Utility Interface)
-. Energy Storage and Management Systems
-. Power Electronics for Transportation Electrification
-. Reliability, Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Protection
-. High Voltage DC Transmission
-. Other Selected Topics in Power Electronics

Instrumentation & Control:

-. Adaptive/Robust systems and control,
-. Aerospace / Flight Control and Surveillance systems,
-. Biomedical instrumentation and control
-. Emerging control theory and applications,
-. Fractional order systems and control, Hybrid systems,
-. Intelligent control and instrumentation,
-. Robotics and automation,
-. Sensors and instrumentation systems.
-. PID controllers using FPGA Technology,
-. FPGA-based instrumentation.

Innovative Technologies and Services for Smart Cities:

-. Enabling wireless and mobile technologies for smart cities,
-. Intelligent infrastructure
-. Smart healthcare and emergency management and Emergency Services,
-. Smart buildings
-. Smart data for social entrepreneurship and community engagement,
-. Citizen engagement and smart governance
-. Data privacy and security issues in smart cities,
-. Smart city theory, modeling, and simulation
-. Sensing and Internet of Things (IoT) for smart cities,
-. Smart environment and policy development
-. Open data and big data analytics,
-. Application, deployment, test-bed, and experiences in smart cities
-. Sensors and actuators,
-. Energy flows, consumption, production and Energy management
-. Digital city and smart growth,
-. Cloud computing and network infrastructures to support smart cities
-. Smart economy development,
-. Smart city for special needs,
-. Smart E-health systems
-. Smart transportation and Pedestrian and bicyclist safety,
-. Safety and security systems
-. Advanced communication systems and approaches for smart cities,
-. Connected Vehicle (CV) technologies

Modern Trends in Electronic System, Control Applications:

-. Design of Electronic System using Discrete Devices,
-. Combinational Logic Design process
-. Circuit optimization for the area or/and performance,
-. Electronic design automation (EDA)
-. Abstract modeling,
-. Electronic system level design tools,
-. Embedded electronic system design
-. State-of-the-art integrated circuits design tools,
-. Advanced Microsystems Packaging
-. Adaptive controller design,
-. RFIDs and Applications,
-. Feedforward Adaptive Control,
-. Feedback Adaptive Control
-. Nonparametric Adaptive Controllers,
-. Parametric Adaptive Controllers,
-. Design of buck-boost controllers
-. Sliding mode controller applications for DC-DC converters,
-. Variable speed drive applications

VLSI Design and Systems:

-. Field-programmable and Reconfigurable Systems,
-. System-on-a-Chip Design,
-. Application-Specific Low Power,
-. VLSI System Design,
-. Test and Verification
-. Mixed-Signal Design and Analysis
-. Memory designs,
-. High Speed Circuits, MEMS, FET,
-. Algorithms for VLSI System Design

Emerging Areas:

-. Wireless Power Transfer
-. Power Line Communications
-. Smart Grids -. Mobile-Edge Computing
-. Dynamic Network Virtualization
-. E-Health
-. Big Data
-. Cyber-Security in Electrical Power Stations
-. Molecular Communications
-. Renewable Energy Sources for Communication and Power Systems
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2022-01-27
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