Conference Information
ITNT 2019: International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology Date: |
2018-11-13 |
Notification Date: |
2019-01-22 |
Conference Date: |
2019-05-21 |
Location: |
Samara, Russia |
Viewed: 8704 Tracked: 0 Attend: 0
Call For Papers
Topics Section 1 «Computer Optics and Nanophotonics» Diffraction optics (design of diffractive optics elements, modeling of diffractive optics elements, manufacturing technology of diffraction optics elements, optical micromanipulation); Planar optical structures (waveguides, photonic crystals, resonance structures, Bragg gratings); Optical imaging systems (optical calculations, modeling of optical imaging systems); Hyperspectral imaging systems (construction of hyperspectral imaging systems, dispersion elements, spectral filters); Nanophotonics (elements of nanophotonics, technologies for manufacturing nanophotonics elements); Fiber optics (modeling of fiber optics, fiber optics manufacturing technology, atmospheric optical communication systems). Section 2 «Image Processing and Earth Remote Sensing» Digital Image Processing (Filtering, Enhancement, Color Mapping, Compression, Spectral Transformations and Invariants); Visual Recognition and Retrieval (Segmentation, Clusterization, Classification, Retrieval, Feature Extraction and Selection, Descriptors, Dimensionality Reduction); Motion Analysis (Object Detection and Tracking, Face, Gesture and Action Recognition); Scene Reconstruction (3D Vision, Shape or Relief Reconstruction, Registration, Geometry Transformation); Remote Sensing Image Processing and Analysis (Geometric and Radiometric Correction, Mosaic, Classification, Dimensionality Reduction, Spectral Unmixing, Change Detection, Anomaly Detection, Data Fusion); Multimedia Protection and Information Hiding (Watermarking, Authentication, Forgery Detection, Steganography, Steganalysis); Geoinformatics (Vectorization, Tracing, Geospatial Analysis and Modeling). Section 3 «Mathematical Modeling of Physico-Technical Processes and Systems» Mathematical modeling of information processes; Mathematical modeling of physical processes and phenomena; Mathematical modeling of technical systems. Section 4 «Data Science» Data Mining (Big data, Systems and platforms, Methods); Machine Learning (Neural networks, Statistical methods, Feature-based classification, Applications); Security, Cryptography (Cryptosystems design and analysis, Mathematical and algorithmic aspects, Efficient implementations of algorithms, Network security); High Performance Computing (Parallel programming models and languages, High-performance implementations, Complex systems simulation).
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-10-25
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